Getting Kidnapped Sucks

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So instead of '??? POV' this time I'm just going to give you the name because it's gonna get really confusing.


Emma POV

I ducked down behind a tree. It was time for the meeting and I had snuck out of the house. I ran to our spot of the wall. As I walked up Ray stepped out of the shadows. I heard footsteps fast approaching and Norman jumped from the bushes. "So, anything new?" I shook my head. "We are just training and gathering supplies." Ray nodded. "Everything seems to be going to plan." Suddenly the world went black. "Norman! Ray!" I could hear them shuffling around and muffled yells. I felt something try to push me back but I held my ground. There was a sharp pain in my stomach and I fell.


I woke up on the cold ground. I moved to sit up, but I felt hell fire course through my system, from my stomach. "Agh!" I writhe in pain. Suddenly I feel a soft hand on my side. I snap my head to look over. It's Norman. He has a look of utter concentration. He moves my hand from my side and I look at them. They are coated in blood. I almost gag at the sight. He rips one of his sleeves off and presses it to my wound. Ray sits next to me and helps him. He seems to have curtains, but from this angle I can't tell. I feel them slide the curtains under me and they tie it around my bloodied side. We sit there in silence for a while. The room is dark. The wooden floor boards are old. Around the room pipes drip ink and a few desks littered with drawings sit around haphazardly. After what feels like forever, the pain subsides. I move to sit up. I feel some pain, but the bleeding has stopped for the most part. "Here Emma, let me help you." Norman stands and offers me a hand. I grasp it and he gently pulls me to my feet.

"Hey Ray? Any clue on where we are?" He shakes his head. "After those ink monsters swallowed us and we showed up here nothing has happened." Ink monsters? Is that what happened. There was only one door. "We should look around, maybe we can get out of here." We all make for the door, Norman helping me walk. When we pass through the door, we see a large stage. A sign says 'Alice Angel.' We walk closer. There at the foot of the stage, lies a girl. She can't be older than 11. We rush forward and I almost trip over a loose board. She is covered in ink. She looks to be breathing at least. Ray shakes her.

"Huh? Chara? Did we, wait!" She flies to her feet and backs against the stage. "Who are you!" The girl slips in her haste. Her hair is wet, and there is sand on her feet. She must have come from a beach. "I am Emma." I kneel next to her. "We were kidnapped by ink monsters." Her stance loosens. "Like- like the ones at the beach? Oh my gosh! Chara! Did we lose! Are they hurt! They can't get hurt! I'm the magical healer-" "Wait? Magical healer?" Ray asks. She nods. She looks at me, then she notices the blood. "Oh no! Are you hurt?!" She grabs my hand. "Uh, yeah. I think I got stabbed." She sighs and closes her eyes. Hey brow furrows in concentration and we are surrounded by white light. I feel dizzy and I fall into her. She opens her eyes. I feel fine again. Better than fine. I undo the knot on the fabric. "Hey, we don't know if it worked." Norman warns me. I don't answer. I know it did. When I undo the knot and lift my shirt, the wound is gone. A trace where it was with my fingers, but there is nothing. "Incredible....." Norman whispers. I laughed and hugged the young girl. She smiled. "I never got you names?"

"Oh! That's right! I'm Emma."


"And I'm Norman."

"Well," The girl stood up. "I'm Frisk. And we need to get out of here so I can help my friends."

We got up and walked around. We found some doors, but most lead to dead ends. There were posters that showed charterers. One called

Boris the Wolf, another group called the Butcher Gang, and Alice Angel, a demon angel hybrid. We reached a large room with three windows. Two, the ones to the left and right, held toys and posters that showed Alice Angel. The third window was pitch black, the lights were out. I walked up and felt the glass. It was ice cold. I looked in. It was unsettling. Things moved beyond my sight. I heard a thump and looked to my left. A melting Alice Angel was staring at me through the glass. I gasped and stumbled back. The thing looked confused. It watched me through the glass. "Guys....." I whispered. They all turned and gasped. Frisk walked forward. The creature turned to her. She began signing. As in like, sign language. The thing watched intently. Then it began signing back. "It says that it needs help. It's.....trapped and also, someone wants to see us. can be made for our....freedom."

The thing on the other side of the glass nodded. "So we break the glass?" Norman said. "I guess so." I replied. I grabbed a board from the ground and swung it at the glass. The angel ducked and the glass shattered. It stepped through. "Wait! I want to try something." Frisk stepped up. She closed her eyes and white light once again filled the room. The angel began to shift. Her melted mouth became a sculpted smile. Her halo twisted back to a perfect circle. Within moments, the woman from the posters stood before us. "Oh my!" The angel looked around. "I'm beautiful again! You have no idea how you've helped me!" She wrapped Frisk in a hug. "Now. We must get you out of here." She beckoned forward and through another door. We followed her. We walked for a while. "I'm Alice! Who are you wonderful children?" She asked happily. "Well, I'm Frisk and this is Emma, Norman, and Ray. We were kidnapped by ink monsters."

She laughed. "Ah, I see Bendy is up to his usual tricks. We are actually going to see him. He said that if anyone comes by to go talk to him and he can get them out of here. Of course, we can't leave, but humans are always able to, given the right timing." She almost giggles when she speaks. It's clear she has a bubbly and aloof personality. "Hold up!" Ray yells. "We are going to see the guys who kidnapped us?" She nods. "Every time he senses power he sends forth his minions. It is prophesied that a human will be trapped down here with us and free us. So he waits until a considerable power is felt and sends his scouts. It seems one of you is the hero." She skips forward. Frisk looks shaken. I wonder why.

We reach a large door. "Through there is the leader of this place. After Henry left us for dead he took over. You will speak to him and he will make you a deal. Most likely a bet." She pushes us through and waits outside. "Good luck!"


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