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People gathered at the Molina home for the RJ and the Phantoms performance.

Carrie walked through the crowd and up to Nick and Max before saying, "Hey."

Nick and Max turned to see Carrie and let out a light sigh before asking, "What are you doing here?"

"Julie and Reyna are two of my oldest friends." She crossed her arms and stared, facing the garage. "I'm sure they just forgot to invite me."

"Look, we're not getting back together, Carrie," Nick told her.

Carrie let out a wry laugh and met Nick's eye. "I've heard that before. Something doesn't add up about those holograms." She placed a hand on Nick and Max's shoulders. "I wouldn't trust them," she removed her hands, "if I were you two." She placed a hand to her chest.

"What's up, everybody? Time to put your hands up, do a little dance, yup. Here's the new anthem from RJ and the Phantoms," Flynn rapped, causing the audience to cheer and applaud.

Two boys opened the doors and Julie and Reyna walked out before saying, "Thanks for coming, everyone!"

Julie and Reyna began playing and singing. Shortly after, the band kicked in.

After Julie and Reyna sang the first chorus, the boys came in after her. Reggie and Luke strummed their guitars while Alex banged the drums while singing into the mic.

The audience, excluding Carrie, danced to the rhythm. Reyna caught Reggie's eye and quickly looked away. Reggie frowned and kept trying to catch her gaze.

Luke stared at Julie as he sang, and the two sang together.

Julie climbed up the piano bench, then the piano before sitting on the end as the audience sang along with her.

Luke had a guitar solo while Julie sang. He walked closer to her as he played.

Julie stood on the piano as she sang.

Luke sang, still staring at Julie.

Reggie caught Reyna's eye again and once again, she looked away. He moved closer to her, making it hard to avoid his gaze and she finally looked his way and smiled.

Alex and Reggie disappeared as Luke and Julie stared into each other's eyes and sang the end of the song together.

Luke disappeared, causing the audience to freak out.


As the girls ate pizza, Flynn said, "I can't say this enough; that was incredible. But epic fail on that eye contact thing. The both of you." Julie and Reyna chuckled.

"So how do you two do those holograms?" Carlos asked.

"Oh, don't try to understand it, Carlos," Ray told him. "I don't."

"That's because you're old."

Ray fake laughed. "Funny guy. I'd send you to your room, but then who's gonna clean up this mess?"

Julie and Reyna giggled before saying, "Don't poke the bear."

"Mm-mm," Flynn said before tutting and shaking her finger.

Carlos walked away and Ray asked, "So what are the boys doing right now?"

Reyna shrugged. "Hanging out, I guess. You know, or whatever you do from where they're from." The girls glanced at each other and nodded.

The blonde stared down at her pizza, both thinking of Reggie and his obsession with pizza and not knowing what else to say.

Julie, who'd noticed, quickly changed the subject and asked, "Hey, so what cameras did you use out there?" Reyna smiled lightly at her friend, thankful for the change of subject.

Edge of Great // Julie and the Phantoms (Reggie Peters)Where stories live. Discover now