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KONSTANTIN left the room a couple minutes after Blisse agreed to attend the ball with him. She sat on his chair flipping through several documents that could give a lead to the men who kept breaking into his buildings. She had only managed to discover the identity of one, and she knew him since she took over her mafia.

Raphael Alarie.

He was Ciro's second in command and had a huge obsession with her. The first time she met him was at a meeting her parents had organized to gather around great mafia leaders to discuss troubles in their areas. Blisse was forced to attend, so she sat in a separate room from the meeting, the door left open so she could listen in without actually being in the room. Raphael sat across from her, staring so intensely at her without moving one bit.

He later offered himself to her, but she turned him down, leaving him to constantly pursue a chase after her wherever they met. She never trusted him and Ciro. They were just two horny bastards desperate for her and power. She wouldn't be surprised if they often talked about sharing her.

Suddenly, a man burst into the room, looking around frantically before pausing when he noticed Blisse sitting in the chair.

"What?" she asked when he wouldn't stop staring.

The man quickly straightened himself and fixed his appearance. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Volkov would like you to join him downstairs. The security team captured a prisoner; he thought you might have a way to get him to talk."

Blisse followed him out after straightening the documents. They entered the elevator in silence, but several people stared at them. At her. She casted them a glare and watched as the man pushed a button.

Screams greeted her when the elevator doors opened again. The area looked clean despite the prisoners in their cells and tools hanging on the walls. The tools looked like they were never used. Many prisoners were asleep while the others gazed around in boredom as the screams from around the corner sounded the walls.

"You must be Ms. Neves." A woman dressed in a simple v-necked, long-sleeved shirt and black pants struck out her hand along with her swelled chest. The v-neck of her shirt looked as if it were about to bust; it was a size too small for her, but she probably wore to draw attention. She was hungry for sex.

"Where?" Blisse asked without shaking her hand.

The woman put her hand down, but dragged her shirt lower to reveal more of her breasts. "Around the corner. Follow me."

"I think I can manage. So you can stop trying to draw my attention to your chest."

The man behind Blisse snorted and bent over. The woman, whose jaw had dropped, stepped aside for Blisse to walk down the hall.

"Glad you could join us Ms. Neves." Konstantin stood up from his chair and walked to her side. "I know a person like you has ideas to get some answers out. Do you need anything?"

"A power drill, nails and a hammer."

Konstantin snapped over to one of his guards, sending him off. Blisse walked up to the prisoner and grabbed a fistful of his hair. "Wake up!"

The prisoner glanced up at Blisse once but did a double take. Good. He knew who she was, so he knew that her torturing tactics were not child's play.

"Who sent you?" she asked, tightening her grip on his hair.

"I'm not telling you shit," he responded. That landed him a punch to the face.

"When I ask you a question, you answer it!!" She summoned one of the guards to her side. "Hang him on the chains."

The guard clasped two chains on the both of the prisoner's arms. Blisse grabbed a knife and the tools she had requested. She stood in front of the man, knife in her hand with an evil smile brightening her face.

The man scoffed at her, but she knew that he was afraid. "Whatcha going to do with a knife, huh? Cut off my balls?"

He sounded Italian. She gathered a suspicion on who he was working for.

"I'll be cutting off more than just your balls. Don't worry about that."

"You probably don't have any, bitch. Desperate whore."

She rolled her eyes and twirled the knife in her hand. "I wasn't really up to torture anyone today, but you've left me no choice. Why would Ciro send you?"

His eyes widened. He was in for it now.

"Answer my questions, you gaping ass! Why did he send you?"

"Good luck getting me to talk."

She slashed the knife across his chest. It was so quick he didn't have time to dwell on it until the pain emerged. He screamed in agony.

What a pussy, she thought. We haven't even gotten to the good part yet.

She opened the pack of nails and grabbed her hammer. She took one long nail and inserted it an inch into his shoulder blade. He looked down at the nail, then started to shake frantically. Sweat formed on his face as he continued to shake.

"If you don't answer my questions, I'll decorate your body with nails. Won't that be lovely?"

She smiled innocently then slammed the hammer down on the nail. His screams echoed so loudly in the room that the other prisoners covered their ears. However, the method wasn't working because he still wasn't answering her questions.

"You know," Blisse stated as she turned on the power drill. "I was hoping for less of a bloodshed, but look where we are now." She aimed the power drill at his eye. "Last chance."

He remained silent, but continuously shifted in his chains.

Blisse shrugged and brought the drill closer and closer to his face until it was hovering an inch over his eyeball. Then he finally broke.

"Alright, Alright. I'll tell you. Fuck! Just get that away from me." He took in quick breaths as if that moment was the last moment he had to be alive, which in a way it was.

"Ciro made a new alliance with a Russian don. They teamed together to take you and Volkov down. They want control over your businesses. You should've accepted Ciro's offer when you had the chance."

You mean use me for sex and power.

She inserted the drill into his forehead, drilling his skull until it reached his brain. His last breath left him in seconds, his head dropping low. She walked out of the prison cells as the new prisoners watched her with fearful eyes.

"Ms. Neves." Konstantin catched up to her in the elevator. "I have heard of the Russian don but he lives a private life. He's actually under you in terms of ranks, so I won't be surprised if he wishes to take your number one spot."

He must have some serious balls if he wishes to take down her mafia.

"This complicates things," Konstantin whispered as they entered his office.

Blisse stretched out on the couch. "I'm sure he'll make an appearance at the ball. If he's under me in ranks he must have powerful allies backing him up."

"I'm afraid he's a dangerous threat to both of us. You will need more allies, Ms. Neves. What if something happens to you or your mafia?"

"You mean what if something to our agreement?"

Blisse raised her head to look at him. "At the head of the day, Mr. Volkov, you'll always choose to protect your business because the rich love being rich. My mafia will be fine even if our agreement breaks. It's you that will suffer."


One of my friends sent a rain sound video to me to help me study and I ended up writing a whole smut book lol. But then accidentally i sent it to her and she read and i was so embarrassed, but we ended up vibing over it for like 10 minutes hahah. 

not gonna lie: i'm probably gonna make that accident again.

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