Beginning + The Brothers

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Seijuro Akashi (Elder Brother):

Seijuro Akashi (Elder Brother):

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Sport: Basketball / Volleyball

Likes: Shogi, his younger brother (A LOT), the GOM (sometimes), scissors

Dislikes: People who dare hurt his little brother in any way, indecent people, and a bunch more that is irrelevant :3

Skills: Multilingual, violinist

A typical protective older brother. Well, not really typical. He enjoys teasing his younger brother, and loves playing Shogi. He is destined to become the heir of his family's business.

"My brother is my brother. You dare hurt him, I'll make sure you suffer. That's a promise."


Tobio Kageyama-Akashi

Sport: Volleyball / Basketball

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Sport: Volleyball / Basketball

Likes: Cats, Volleyball, the GOM, his team, milk, and of course his brother :D

Dislikes: Mean people, lack of sleep, and probably a few more that I can't think of right now ;-;

Skills: Pianist (I'm bored oki?), drawing, and is learning languages from his older bro

He's a sweet blueberry with awkward social skills, and surprisingly smart. He enjoys sports a lot and clings to his brother, who likes it. His former teammates actually got jealous of his ability, rather then he becoming a tyrant king :3

"Hey Sei Oni-San! Can we get some blueberry milk later?"


Honestly, Akashi wasn't completely sure how it started. Just one day, his parents flung open the door to the four year old child and went, "We're going to adopt someone! You need to come with us to choose your sibling. It'll be more fun for you!"

They were vague memories, but he never wanted, and never would forget them. He came along, not really knowing what was going on. Soon, they arrived at some sort of place. Written in bright bold letters were the words "Kamizuka Orphanage".

It was nicely cleaned and the inside looked taken care of as well. Children were roaming around, playing a game called tag, as he remembers it. Then a women called them to line up, a few things happened, and he remembers his parents asking him to choose a sibling.

He didn't know what to do. As a four year old child, he could really only rely on his instincts and gut feelings. He pointed at a boy around his age with raven hair and deep blue eyes.

"I like him." Seijuro said softly, and went up to hug him.

The boy returned the hug, though it was a bit awkward, he seemed happy. His parents nodded with a cheerful smile, and they took the boy home.

"His name is Kageyama Tobio, Seijuro Chan." His father said as he held the brothers in his arms lovingly.

"Ka-Kageyama Tobio....I want to call him Tobio." Seijuro declared with a smile on his face, and the other laughed.

It was the best decision he's made in his life.

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