Glancing at my desk a tired sigh leaves my lips as I observe my unfinished assignments lying on my desk. The submission dates are approaching yet I have barely started with any of them.

Thinking of submission dates, realization strikes me that following the submissions is our finals! This only increases my tension, especially because my concentration level in class for the past few weeks has been close to zero.

Pushing all these thoughts to the very back of my mind temporarily, I grab my bag and rush downstairs. Grabbing my bottle and breakfast, I make my way towards the front door with hurried strides.

"Astoria," Noah says earning my attention and stopping in my track.

"Yes?" I say turning to face him.

"About the bug, we found in your room yesterday-"

"What about it?" I ask before he can finish his sentence earning a stern look from him.

"Until and unless we figure out who planted it on you and with what motive, I need you to be extra cautious of your surroundings. I know that you trust your team, but I need you to keep your guard up at all times," he explains in a serious tone.

"I know and I will," I say in reassurance offering him a small smile. Content with my answer he gives me a firm nod and leaves.

Meeting Carlos and Javier by the car, smile in acknowledgment to their nods. Opening the door for me Carlos gets into the driver's seat while Javier claims shotgun.

The drive to practices is short as usual, but for the first time, I wish it wasn't. Since my hand has almost completely healed now, today hopefully I will be able to play.

Making my way towards the entrance, I notice both of them hot of my trail earning an annoyed groan from me. "Not you two too!" I whine in hopes that I'm able to convince them to stay behind.

"Orders are the same for all of us Miss Santos," Javier reasons in a monotone.

"But can't you both keep an eye on me from know, a distance," I counter with crossed arms.

"Sorry Miss, orders are orders," Carlos adds not giving my request a second thought.

"Whatever," I mumble under my breath and march into the building.

Shoving my bag into my locker, a grumpy sigh leaves my lips. "What's wrong?" Lindsey inquires emerging from one of the changing rooms.

"My annoying guards insist on following me everywhere, that's what's up!" I complain.

"Anyway, how was the game yesterday? Sorry, I couldn't call, got caught up in something," I say changing the topic.

"The game was great! Trashed the Falcon's with a whopping 16 to 10!" He exclaims proudly causing a smile to curve my lips too.

"We did miss you though, but the team understands. Coach said that your brothers said that you weren't feeling well, you okay now?" She adds with concerned eyes.

"Yeah, just ate something bad I guess," I mutter.

"Come on everyone's waiting, I'm leading practice today," she informs me while dragging me out of the changing room with her.

"Wait, where's Coach?" I ask confused at her announcement.

"At the school, there's some faculty meeting," she says and I nod in understanding.

"By the way, don't tell anyone else, but mom is thinking about changing schools next year," she tells me in a hushed tone immediately earning my undivided attention.

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