Chapter 4~ The Assembly

Start from the beginning

"WHAT! Who is it? It's Orion isn't it, he said he'd ask her out, and I turned, and you weren't there and I couldn't do anything," He continued to ramble in his weird way.

"Dude it was a way to wake you up," I said calmly. "Wait, he's going to ask Ara out? That's a joke you know right? He's aggravating you, you should know better by now," I sighed.

"I can't help it!" I sighed at my best friends situation.

"Come on get ready, there's an assembly,"

Cassiopeia POV

I had just left the boy's dorm and left for the second girls dorm. I'd heard their conversation, did Orion like me?  Didn't think so he would've shown it by now. I kept walking until I saw a walnut wood door.  I knocked and then opened the door knob.

"Hi girls," I said.

"Hey," I was met with a dull chorus of greetings. I took in the sight, their dorm wasn't different to ours, the same. Aquarius and Gemini were chatting away in a corner and Virgo was making a snack for everyone.

"Food's ready!" Cancer informed. Libra went to knock on the other girls room's and was met with a sleepy Lyra.

"I was having a nice dream," She complained.

"There's food," I said, knowing she would comply after being informed about the food.

"You know there's an assembly in like 5 minutes?" I said. The girls froze, looking at me blankly and ran to their rooms to fix themselves up.

"Oh no you don't Gem!" Libra screamed as she tackled Gem so she could get to the bathroom, there were only 4 bathrooms in the girls dorms. I'd checked out the boys' dorm and they only had 3. 


Time skip 5 minutes.


I had just gotten ready, I didn't have time to do anything but fix my hair. My friends had always told me I looked pretty without makeup, and I never had cared for it, but what mattered to me more was that once Hydra had complimented me. It had been the highlight of the week. He had always been a sweet boy, but never commented on anyone's looks.

"Is everyone ready?" Cancer asked. She was in turn met with a few yes's. "We have to go now,"

I got up and opened the door for everyone else. I peeked into the corridor and saw the others walking already.

"GIRLS WE NEED TO GO!" I shouted, which caused some of the boys to jump as they were walking. Finally everyone had gathered in the corridor and we were walking to the main hall. After a maze of twisting corridors we had found the main hall as we'd been shown. The assembly was only for 10 minutes for us to know what Squad we were in.

"Good morning to our new first years!" A deep voice boomed. "I am Universe Orbis, your principal," He paused looking around the room, gesturing for us to sit. We took our seats, and I was placed next to Andromeda. I tried not to chat since we this was important. "This assembly will be brief as it is for you to find out who are you squad mates. There is not set amount to how many people can be in your squad. My sister and your vice principal, Galaxy Orbis will list out the Squads."

I looked around the stage for a woman walking up but found nothing. 

Then I noticed they were only 30 of us. Did that mean 3 squads?

Suddenly a women appeared on the stage in a cloud of blue, purple and pink.

"Good morning freshmen!" Her voice was sweet, but it was clear that she was meant to instill discipline. "Yes Ara Altar there will be 3 squads," I froze, did she know what I had been thinking?

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