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"You know what my favourite thing about Friday's are?" Bella's cheery voice rang out, as she placed her purple water bottle on the lunch table. It was our first day eating back in the cafeteria, after spending all week in the courtyard on our lunch breaks.

"If you don't say our movie nights together, I'm going to tell your mom where you really were on Monday night." Isla responded in a deadly tone.

"Good thing that was exactly what I was going to say." Bella replied with a wink.

"How's that going, anyways?" I asked, Bella had finally went out with Jake, which apparently went well enough that she spent the night at his place. She told her mom we were having a sleepover at my house.

Bella's face scrunched up. "Honestly I think it was a one and done."

"Wait, why? You were just gushing about him on Wednesday?" I asked her, remembering her saying how well the night went.

"I know, I know. It was fun but since then it's just been boring. All he talks about is football." Bella said as she took a bite of her salad.

"Yeah, well, that's what you get when you sleep with the football team, Bells." Isla teased, peering down at her phone.

"You make it sound like I've slept with the whole team. It's only been two." Bella defended herself.

I raised my eyebrow, "three."

"Peter doesn't count, Indie." Bella replied hastily.

"And why is that?" Isla asked her.

"I didn't finish." Bella muttered, rolling her eyes.

I laughed, bringing a hand up to clutch my open mouth. "I don't think that's how it works, Bells."

Bella cocked her head at me, staring me down. "Virgins don't get to tell me what counts." Isla cackled at that.

"Leave the virgin alone, Bella. It's admirable." Isla said through her giggles, turning to rest her hand on my arm, her voice turning faux sweet. "I think it's very admirable, Indie."

"Why the fuck am I friends with you two, again?" I groaned, feeling the blush on my cheeks.

"Because you're obsessed with us." Isla hummed out, to which I just rolled my eyes. "Face it, till death do us part."

"Shit, Isla. We have to go. We have to go set our project up before our presentation." Bella muttered as she glanced at the time on her phone.

My eyes narrowed as I eyed my two best friends. "You're leaving? You're going to make me sit here alone?" The panic was evident in my voice.

"Calm down Indie, you'll be fine without us for fifteen minutes." Isla said as she started to gather her things.

"Will I, though?" I whined at them. They just snickered at me before leaving me all alone and walking out of the cafeteria.

"Some friends they are." I whispered to myself, pulling out a copy of my favourite book, The Cay. I had read it for English class in my freshman year, and had read it many times since then. I had recently started it from the beginning again, so I continued where I left off and soon became lost in the plot.

"Indie Adams." I glanced up to see Asher sitting in the seat across from me.

"Asher..." I trailed off, not remembering his last name. He tilted his head to the side, not offering his last name, narrowing his eyes at me. I clenched my jaw down as I tried to remember it.

"Asher Trayton!" I finally exclaimed, feeling proud of myself.

Asher chuckled, "Trenton, but I'll give you an A for effort."

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