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I was typically an attentive friend, but something about lunch made me tend to daydream far more often than usual.

I was currently inside one of my favourite memories- the day I turned 15. My parents had actually managed to be home, and they invited Isla and Bella on a trip to the city with us. They took us for lunch, and then followed close behind us as we strolled the busy streets, window shopping. I remember the feeling I had on the drive home, squished in the middle seat between my girls, watching as my parents held hands while they both sung to the 80's music they had on the radio. I was so full in my heart. That was the last birthday I spent with my parents.

My phone vibrating in my pocket pulled me back to reality.


Extending our trip- found this amazing yoga retreat in Bali. Wish you were here! No phones allowed for the week so I'll call you then. We love you.

Attached was a selfie of the two of them, my mom's long dark hair braided to the side. My dad with his long brown hair and unkept beard kissing her cheek. I pursed my lips before returning the phone to my pocket, not bothering to reply.

My parents were good people. They were kind, loving, generous people. They just weren't ready to be parents. As soon I turned 16 and they deemed me a reasonable age to basically live alone, they jetted off to fulfill the adventures of their 20's that they missed out on while they were raising me. My dad used to be the lead guitarist in a once really famous band, my mom was a free spirit trust fund girl. They met at Burning Man while my dad was performing, mom got pregnant at 19, and the rest is history. My mom then started an all natural, vegan, cruelty free skincare line, which she then sold for millions.

At first, I loved having the freedom to do what I pleased, but I'm starting to feel the loneliness a lot more lately.

Although as I'm constantly reminded by the public school that is Lakeview High, I should be grateful that I'm so privileged, so I try to look on the bright-side. Our town was a medium sized tourist trap, an hour away from the largest city in the state. While rich people flocked to it to have houses on the ocean, it was also shared with the working class that were born and raised here.

"I don't want to spend the weekend watching you surf again Isla, that's all we did last weekend." Bella groaned, snapping me out of my thoughts. Isla rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to argue when I decided to finally intervene.

"Okay, listen. How about we spend Saturday morning at the beach, watch Isla surf, get some sun, have lunch at The Pier, then drive to the city and watch the band that Bella wants to see. We'll spend the night in the city and come back Sunday and go back to the beach if we feel like it?" I offered, glancing back and forth between them.

Both of them seemed to think about it, no doubt trying to find a way to point out that it wasn't fair.

"I guess that works." Isla said as she lifted the pizza on her plate up to take a bite.

"Fine, but we have to actually leave after lunch, so we can get ready at the hotel and make it to the club on time. You guys still have your fakes, right? I think it's an over 21 place." Bella said as she gathered her salad on her fork.

"What would you two do without me?" I chuckled as I took a bite of my apple. "You're like a couple that fell into lust and then realized you have nothing in common."

"Hmm... like you and Evan? Yeah, we noticed the tension this morning." Isla said as she raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

I sighed and took a moment before I answered them. "I was hoping you didn't but I'm not surprised you did. I don't know, he's just been so sexual lately, it's getting on my nerves."

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