Meet me in the woods

Start from the beginning

I know what she's talking about. The war is getting closer and closer daily. It seems there's always another death being covered in the headlines and Voldemort's been either recruiting werewolves—or killing them.

Sirius hasn't been making things especially easy for her either. I think it's because, he knows she's the reason I'm not always waiting on him anymore.

Sirius is threatened by her, and by Merlin it feels good.

"I understand why you're afraid, it's not childish," I whisper, "It's going to be okay. I'm going to make sure you'll be okay."

She exhales through her nose and rises to her feet.
"We should go,"

Hesitantly, I stand up, collecting her book and handing it to her, "We should."


"Really, Remus. I know you didn't sleep, you look worse than usual." James tells me, placing the back of his hand on my forehead.

I smack it away, "Thanks, Prongs."

He puts his hands up in surrender and goes back to ruffling his hair in the mirror. I lay my head down on my pillow, fighting a losing battle with sleep. "Do you know where Sirius and Peter are?" I ask, "We've all got to have a chat."

James' brows raise, "Lunch detention with Filch, should be back soon," He eyes me suspiciously, "Chat about what?"

I look down to my torn up cuticles and finger tips. This habit of mine is getting rather severe, Poppy said they'll get infected if I don't stop.

Closing my hand into a tight fist, I dig what's left of my nails into the heels of my palms.

"Well—" There's a knock at the door.

I hop to my feet, wobbling slightly, when black spots invade my vision. "I'll get it," I pull the door open and there Cordelia is. Biting down harshly on her lip.

"Hey," She says.

Stepping aside to let her in I say, "It's just James right now."

Cordelia nods and stands awkwardly in the centre of the room.

"Hey Evans," James smiles tightly, walking past her, "Remus, what the fuck is going on?"  He mutters to me, oblivious she can still hear him. She rolls her eyes.

"Wait, this could be good," Cordelia chimes.

"What? What could?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well James seems harmless enough. It might benefit to have him on our side first." She says.

"I am not harmless! Have me on your side for what?"

I rub my chin and nod thoughtfully. Peter will follow whatever James does. From there, it should be easy enough to get Sirius on board. "Okay, good idea,"

"What the fuck are you two on about?!" James exclaims, looking panicked. He never could handle being out of the loop.

Putting my hands on his shoulders, I seat him at the edge of my bed. I feel Cordelias presence looming behind me.

"We have something to tell you. I'd appreciate it if you would just hear us out, no matter your opinion," She says, with a steady voice.

'where we are now' remus lupin & regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now