The waterbending scroll

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"Thanks" Sokka said, a bit flustered and I nodded in return.

"So, how much for the traded scroll?" Katara asked.

"I've already got a buyer--a nobleman in the earth kingdom--unless, of course, you kids have 200 gold pieces on you right now." The other vender said, who appeared to be the captain of these pirates.

"I know how to deal with this, guys." Aang whispered to us, "Pirates love to haggle." He said as he extended his hand. Katara handed him the 2 copper pieces we had left, "Watch and learn."

"What say ye to the price of one copper piece?" Aang offered the pirate which made him laugh at Aang's offer.

"The price is 200 gold pieces." The pirate said bluntly. "I don't haggle on items this rare."

"Ok, two copper pieces." Aang continued.

"It's not as amusing the second time, boy."

"Aang, can we get out of here? I feel like we're getting weird looks." Katara said as she glanced at the two venders.

"Aye! We be casting off now!" Aang said before we all started walking out of the ship. "What was that all about, Katara?"

"Yeah, I was just starting to browse through their boomerang collection." Sokka added.

"I'll just feel a lot better once we get away from here." Katara replied.

"Hey, you!" The original vender from before yelled at us, "get back here!"

"Well, well, look who's come to their senses. Told you the haggling would pay off." Aang said and right after, multiple pirates jumped down from the ship and got in a fighting stance.

"There they are!"

"Get 'em!"

"Nobody's going anywhere." Multiple pirates from the crowd spoke in an ominous tone.

"I don't think these pirates are here to trade with us." Katara said as she started to back away. We started running away and the group of pirates started to chase after us. Katara waterbended water onto the floor and froze it which made one of the pirates slip, but the rest just jumped to avoid the ice.

"Sorry!" I said as I bumped into the carriage of cabbages that was blocking the way.

"My cabbages!" Was what the cabbage vender said when Aang airbended the carriage towards the pirates to stop them. The carriage successfully got the pirates behind us to stop chasing us, but before we could make it out of the marketplace, we got cut off by some of the pirates that separated from the group in the beginning. We turned around and started running towards the opposite direction, however, we ran into a deadend.

"Now, who gets to taste the steel of my blades first?"

"That's a very tempting offer, but I'll have to refuse." I looked at Aang and nodded. I grabbed my staff and slammed it onto the floor, creating a burst of air mixed with dust that temporarily blinded the pirates.

"Grabbed on tight!" Both me and Aang said as we opened our gliders, Sokka grabbed onto the end of my glider and Katara to Aang's, we flew past the pirates while stepping on their heads as a boost to fly higher in the sky. We continued flying until we reached the waterfall where we left Appa at.

"I used to kind of look up to pirates, but those guys are terrible." Aang said after we landed.

"I know. That's why I took this." Katara said as she pulled out the waterbending scroll from before out of her sleeves.

"No way!" Aang said. 'No way indeed, how could I forget that Katara was going to steal... well I can't really say anything since I have stolen in my previous life.'

A strange place (Sokka x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن