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This is basically where it all began, how my stupid self, got stuck in the world Vampire Knight...

The cool breeze felt so good as I walked in Barns Noble. It was currently 105 degrees outside in the boiling state of Oklahoma.  Usually I wouldn't dare step out the house for anything in this weather,  but I was running low on books to read. Yes, I could use some online book but can I just say it's not the same when actually having it! I love having it physically in my hand, turning pages after page. Great, I probably sound like some weirdo that has book-fetish or something.  The cashiers said there normal morning greetings  while  I smiled like I really cared. I went to the manga section hoping to find something quick to read. I glanced up and down seeing many series of Naruto, Death Note, and Bleach. I saw one of my favorite series Vampire knight at the bottom shelf. I remember finishing the series all in one day and watching the anime the next day. Man, I wished there was more volumes that Matsuri Hino made. I let out a sad sigh picking up the first volume reminiscing of everything that happened. As I was about to put the book back I saw another manga " special edition Vampire Knight". My heart nearly popped out of my chest as I took it from the shelf.  It had the rose symbol like the series  but something was a bit different about it.  I opened the first page and freakishly enough there was a warning. 

Do Not Read. Unless you want to live in world filled with bloodsucking vampires

This sounds like something Zero would say.  I turned the page and saw short paragraph. However another warning label was at the bottom.  Okay I know there  trying to make it the book more  entertaining with the fake warning labels but its a bit too much.  There's literately 10 warning labels ! What kind Vampire Knight is this? This is just part of the product right ?  I decided to skim through the manga only to find most of the pages blank. What the hell?! I finally stop at a page where it had words

She died in that snowy night like many others . 

Live out her life, Like she was meant to 

my beloved Akira live on

 Suddenly a pain in my neck occurred. It was as if my body was being drain out of nowhere. I tried to yell out for help but nothing came out.  Then I started to feel my body drop and finally I can see from an outline of person calling out for help as my vision began to blur. About damn time someone notice me! But I guess we both didn't know it was already too late because everything went dark. 

Remember me ♢Vampire Knight ♢Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat