v. | black tartarian

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❝she's rocking on the bed
her heart now like the lamp
they've cuffed up his hands
her eyes now are damp❞

black tartarian | a terrific bearer of juicy, purple-black cherry.


the night came back in flashes-fast, loud, blinding. there were screams and so much pain. i never thought someone could be terrified of their own voice, but my voice sounded crippled that night as i screeched, on the verge of cracking but still holding on.

and then it cracked, snapping the force that held me upright.

and i fell. and i broke.

grey walls are calming. weren't hospital walls supposed to be white?

white. blood. red.

the flashes, blindingly bright and quick to disappear before i have the time to analyse. each flash reminds me of what happened in its own way but there's something that's present and something that's absent in each one.

an ice blue eyed boy. his orbs getting colder each time.

but i know that's not you, Felix. i know.

i believed you when you said it wasn't you. i believed you when you tugged at my lips while the police tugged at your wrists. i believed you when the nurse tied the bandage around my head and asked what happened while you never left my hand, not once.

i hope you hold on to me, felix, just like i promised to never let you go.

i tremble when i think about the days you'd be gone, even if they're not here yet. yet. one word that is capable of flipping my world upside down with a flick.

my head hurt.

a lamp. a shattered bonnet. wine spilled on the white carpet. wailing. screaming. silent, drowned sobs. incarnadine staining me. incarnadine tainting me.

my head hurt. He hurt me he hurt me he hurt me.

the nurse comes in, bustling with the air of sunflowers and bees, of rainbows and clouds, of candy and smiles.

something i was repulsed from. maybe the fall messed with my head. the thought about the pilate class jams into my head all of a sudden. should i be going to 'lose extra kilos' with a concussion and an exhausted body? all for my blue eyed boy...

he hurt me he hurt me he hurt me...no.

he shouldn't be in that cell, grey walls like mine but colder and lonelier. he did nothing wrong. no one can accuse him for something he didn't do to me. he shouldn't, right?

he wasn't drunk and that wasn't an accident. he didn't yank me by my hair or anything...

he hurt you he hurt you he hurt you, naya.

he didn't. you love him.

he needed to be back, be by my side and holding my hand and hugging me and caressing my cheek and kissing me and-

my head hurt.

"there was a burglar," i heard felix say. "you've hurt your head pretty bad," he said. "take rest, darling," he said.

my head was throbbing now. maybe because i was missing him so much. maybe because i was too numb with ache to speak, to not let them take him away.

but i told the police something when they came to my grey, grey abode,
something that they recorded. something, that would bring my love back to me. he did nothing wrong. he didn't deserve to be punished.

it wasn't him, the masked man, felix said. i believed him. my head hurt and i was making up things. there was a masked man. felix came home late to find me on the floor in a pool of blood. felix never hurt me. of course he didn't.

right? right.


| Case F1JK1 |

findings- Naya Carter/Creed was found unconscious and bleeding in the Creed residence on Saturday, 3rd July, 2020 at 00:23 hrs when the neighbours reported hearing screams. Felix Creed has been taken into custody for allegedly hitting the victim who is in the hospital as of Monday, 5th July, 2020 at 21:00 hrs.

status- case closed.
Naya Carter/ Creed insisted on all charges being dropped and refused to testify against her legal husband, Felix Creed.


nineteen and naive, wearing white and cloaked in crimson, i was such a fool.

❝maybe his agony was real
maybe blood was the only wine
he's kissing her blood red lips
she didn't want it to be the last time❞

a/n-i don't have much idea about police stuff but i tried my best to make this report as realistic as possible. what do you think about this chapter?

did naya make the correct decision by dropping the charges?

do you think Felix was accountable?

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