●Chapter 15●

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Stretching out my limbs, I made myself comfortable on the soft sand. I leaned my entire body on my palms and watched the skies getting darker like a beautiful transition in a movie. 

I had stopped worrying about getting the horses back to the stable because Atlas assured me for the umpteen times to not think much about it and just relish in this beauty. I couldn't have agreed more.

The howling of winds soothed my body and I sneaked a glance at the most beautiful human sitting beside me. 

Atlas was oozing out a really relaxed aura because of his calm posture. His gaze was directed at the far end in the distance, giving me a hint that he was thinking something. He played with the sand absent-mindedly with a wistful expression which made me wonder about what his current thoughts were.

I averted my eyes back to the scenery to see that the stars had already started to ascend on the now darker skies. I bathed myself to soak in the tranquillity exuded by nature.

It was silent between us for some when Atlas finally decided to break it. "You know, I was wondering what made you scream your lungs off the other day at the beach?" He asked me with amusement lacing his voice but I could detect the curiosity in his eyes as well.

I shrugged and gave him a small smile. "My best friend had told me that the person I loathe with all my mind, body and soul was coming back to the town but guess what, change of plans." I chuckled bitterly and rolled my eyes to show my disgust.

"Oh." He continued to stare at me intensely. I didn't even need to look at him to know this because I could feel his stare boring into the side of my head. "Who's the unfortunate person to receive your wrath?" He asked humorously when he realized that I was not going to elaborate further.

I turned my head to look at him. He kept running his hand through his already unkempt hair, waiting for my answer. "My 'ex-boyfriend'," I muttered, air quoting the last part with such venom that I don't think one would ever want to be the one on the receiving end.

Atlas chuckled and scooted a bit closer to me. I thought he was going to calm me down by saying something but what he did next was enough for my heart to go on overdrive. He pulled me closer to his side and started rubbing my arm comfortingly.

My eyes almost came out of their sockets and my stomach was fluttering with this weird feeling. Internally, I sighed in content. All my tense nerves relaxed and I felt so much better to just be wrapped up in his arms.

"Why'd he do that?" He asked me further, clearly intrigued to hear out my 'not so big sob story'.

I sighed, thinking about those days. "He never missed a single chance to point out my flaws. He always reminded me that I'm imperfect not only for him but to everyone else too. Of course he didn't voice anything out but his actions were worse. He wasn't even trying to be subtle. He thought my presence was very embarrassing in front of his pals. He also thought I acted weirdly around them which aggravated him further. It sure was hurtful in the beginning but I am over it now," I said trying to be casual but he noticed the quiver at the end. "Guess what, he was not the one for me."

"And let me guess, you slapped him, right?" Atlas asked playfully, trying to ease the building tension. I gave him a breathy laugh.

"Eh! No, that's a bit underrated. I punched him in his guts and kicked him in his butts to embarrass him the last time in front of his friends," I replied and it was true. That incident still makes me laugh because I stood up for myself. Though that douchebag had the guts to break up with me in front of his shaggy friends.

"So what you're saying is, he declared his 'dying love for you' in front of his friends?" His expression was one of incredulity and I nodded in response.

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