●Chapter 13●

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I couldn't help the smile involuntarily gracing my lips ever since what happened last night. My mind was completely damaged by the sweet repercussions of a small peck by Atlas. It was just a small peck on my cheek but I didn't mind it.

My day at the gallery was as usual - mundane. I don't mean to sound impudent or anything because I love my gallery. Very much. The only thing that lacks in here is spice plus it feels lonely because I don't have a human company with me.

I was busy shutting my art gallery when I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. I locked it hurriedly and turned around to see Atlas standing behind me with a sheepish look. And before I knew it, my heartbeat started accelerating without my consent.

A tinge of red crept up onto my cheeks when my mind wandered back to yesterday's kiss. 'Oh God! I feel like I am making a huge deal out of it, aren't I?'

I chuckled nervously and waved at him awkwardly. "Hi," I mumbled shyly. 'Would it be too much if I asked for even an ounce of confidence?'

"Hey." He grinned, his dimples showing off. I leaned my back against the door of my gallery and looked at him curiously.

Tilting my head to the side, I asked him, "What are you doing here?" I must say, I was shocked to see him here, on the doorstep of my gallery. 'Did he come to meet me here or was he just passing by?' I couldn't tell.

He just shrugged at my response and motioned for me to walk with him. I obliged and followed him, clutching the brakes of my bike. I tried to ignore the fluttering in my stomach and kept my calm as if I'm not having jitters.

"So..." he began but trailed off.

"So?" I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I was wondering whether you're... free tomorrow?" He asked quietly and it was almost inaudible but I caught onto his every word.

I blinked my eyes at his question. He seemed to be nervous for some reason and peeked at me through his lashes waiting for an answer. My breath lodged into my throat unexpectedly the moment his words registered in my brain. Clearing my throat, I told him, "Depends on why you're asking me this question." To be honest, my answer was just to mask my stutter and skittish behavior.

He chuckled and shook his head in my direction. "I was thinking if you could hang-out with me tomorrow?"

To say I was stupefied would be an understatement of the century.

If I said my heart was beating furiously before, it sure was galloping right now. 'Is this his indirect way of asking me out on a date?' I really wouldn't mind going on a date with him but it would be really stupid to get my hopes high when all he'd asked me was to "hang-out" with him.

I wouldn't actually have a problem if I have to be with Atlas for a day. I would rather spend my entire day with him than sulk in my gallery alone. I shook my head quickly. Way too quickly. "No, I am free," I said. My tone was very chirpy and I hoped to God that he wouldn't notice that.

Atlas whipped his neck to stare at me weirdly as if he couldn't believe me. "Really?" He asked. 'What an irony!' I should be the one asking that question because I was thrown off guard that he wanted to hang-out with me and not the other way around. 

"Yeah, of course. Really." I laughed, passing him a wide smile. Sighing in content, I rubbed my sweaty hands on my jeans. It felt good to be finally happy and not be distressed about some trash of a person.

"That's cool then." He beamed and continued, "I'll pick you up at around 9 in the morning?" It was more like a question than a statement.

"Sure." I nodded my head. "Where will we be going anyway?" I asked him, furrowing my brows. 

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