Chapter 20

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The next morning Brandon and I are sitting in the kitchen having breakfast with Ryan, Skylar, Breanna, and Flynn. We are eating pancakes and bacon William and Nate entered the kitchen looking furious. 

"Will, Nate what's the matter?" I asked, taking a bit of my pancakes. 

"Nate and I have to go home because we have to work tomorrow." William sighed, walking over to the counter and making himself a plate. 

"Wait I thought you two were on vacation." 

"Our boss never approved our vacation he only gave us off yesterday and never told us that he never approved our vacation until a few minutes ago when he called." 

William and Nate fixed up their plates and sat down at the island. 

"After breakfast we'll all pack up and head home." I stated firmly. 

"Liv, you don't have to do that." Nate replied, cutting up his pancakes and adding syrup to his pancakes. 

"It's not fair to you and Will that you two have to go home while the rest of us stay in Ocean City." 

"We agree with Liv it's not fair that you two have to go home while we stay here and have fun. The trip was meant for everyone and if one goes home, we all go home." 

After breakfast Brandon and I were in our room packing our suitcases when we were finished packing Brandon and I left the room and carried our suitcases downstairs. I opened the door that leads to the garage we entered the garage and loaded up the bus. Skylar and Ryan climbed inside the bus and closed the door I locked the side door that leads to the garage and closed the door I heard the garage door open. 

"Baby can I drive?" Brandon asked. 

"Sure," I smiled, handing him the keys to the bus we climbed inside the bus and put our seat belts Brandon started the engine I reached over and turned on the A/C and turned the Motionless In White CD back on. 

Brandon backed out of the garage I pressed closed on the remote the garage door closed he drove away I opened the glove compartment and put the remote back inside the glove compartment and closed the door. 

"What did you think of your first time at Ocean City?" 

"I had a great time," 

As we were driving, I peeked into the backseat Skylar was sleeping with her head resting on Ryan's shoulder. 

"Ryan is Skylar, okay?" I asked worried. 

"She didn't go to bed until three this morning because she was reading in bed." Ryan answered. 

I turned back around in my seat I stared out the passenger side window when the CD stopped, I took out the CD and put on Slipknot. I put the CD cases inside the glove compartment and closed the door. I was feeling sleepy I laid my head back against the headrest and fell asleep. I felt someone gently shaking me I woke up Brandon was unbuckling my seat belt. 

"We're home." 

I grabbed my purse and climbed out of the bus I closed the door Brandon scooped me up in his arms he carried me up the back steps and carried me inside the house. He carried me into the living room and gently sat me on the couch I curled up and went back to sleep. When I woke up I didn't see or hear Brandon, I got up off the couch and walked upstairs. 

"Babe where are you?" I called. 

"I'm in our room." He answered. 

I walked down the hall to mine and Brandon's room I walked into the room he was putting our suitcases away I put my purse away. 

"What are we doing today?" 

"I was thinking we could snuggle on the couch and relax." 

"Sounds like fun," I smiled. 

Brandon and I left our room we walked downstairs and entered the living room I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I noticed Brandon was staring at the pictures on the wall I rose from the couch and stood beside him. 

"Baby is that you when you were a baby?" 

"Yeah, it was taken after I was born."

"Who's the lady holding you?" Brandon asked, wrapping his arm around my waist. 

"That's my grandmother she was excited to be a first-time grandmother." I said, gazing fondly at the picture. 

Brandon and I walked over to the couch and sat down. 

"Sometimes I question why my parents even had kids they hoped when they had me that I would turn out to be like them which didn't happen. My parents hoped that Will would be just like them which didn't happen either." 

"How old were you when your brother was born?" 

"I was still in diapers when Will was born but that's what happens when you don't wait six weeks after you have a baby." 

I reached over and held Brandon's hand I kissed the back of his hand. 

"I promise if we have kids one day our children won't be stair steps." Brandon vowed. 

We snuggled on the couch and watched TV together. Later on, that night Brandon and I were getting ready for bed we climbed into bed I reached over and turned off the lamp. I felt him snuggle up behind me and draped his arm across me I started to slowly drift off to sleep. 

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