Chapter 7

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The next morning William and I were sitting at the table eating breakfast when we heard someone knocking at the door. I set down my spoon and rose from the table I left the kitchen I walked into the living room and answered the door Brandon was standing on the door step. 

"Hi Brandon please come in." 

I stepped to the side and let him into the house I closed the door and locked it I led Brandon into the kitchen. 

"William this is Brandon him and his family just moved in next door. Brandon this is my younger brother William." I said. 

"It's nice to meet you, Brandon." William smiled. 

"Would you like to join us for breakfast?" 

"No, thank you I already ate." 

When I was finished eating, I took my bowl to the sink and and washed my dishes I placed my bowl and spoon on the drainboard I dried my hands on the dishtowel. 

"Liv take your keys and phone." William said. 

I left the kitchen and walked upstairs to my room I grabbed my purse and phone I unzipped my purse and placed my phone inside my purse and zipped it. I left my room and walked back downstairs. 

"Be safe and have fun." 

"We will," 

Brandon and I left the house we walked down the front steps. 

"Where would you like to go?" I asked. 

"The park." Brandon said. 

We walked side by side down the street heading towards Patterson Park. Brandon and I stopped at the corner to wait for the light to change when the light changed, we walked across the street and continued onto the park. When we arrived at the park Brandon and I walked around. 

"Where did you grow up?" 

"I grew up here in Baltimore, Maryland my whole life my parents grew up here as well. What about you?" 

"I'm from Pittsburgh my parents job transferred them here." Brandon said. 

"Welcome to our historic state I hope you'll love it here!" I exclaimed. 

As we were walking the birds were singing a crow was cawing from a tree and the ducks were quacking from the boat lake. 

"What kind of history does Baltimore have?" 

"There's history from the war of 1812 I know this isn't really history but Edgar Allan Poe is buried here." 

"That is so cool." He stated. 

We walked over to a park bench and sat down Brandon and I enjoyed the sunshine and cloudless blue sky. 

"Tell me about yourself?" 

"I have a younger brother named William who you met my father is a business man my mother is homemaker. My father's parents met at Woodstock and fell in love my mother's parents met at a wedding. I was closer to my father's parents because they were fun and told stories about their hippie days. My mother's parents don't really like me because I'm to free spirited and rebel. Tell me about yourself?" 

"I have an older sister her name is Madelaine she's away at college she attends Penn State. My parents work for an art museum that's where they met. My father's parents are kind of like your father's parents they enjoy telling stories. My mother and her parents don't get along." Brandon said. 

"Your grandparents sound so cool I bet they tell the best stories." I smiled. 

"That they do." 

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