Chapter 4

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The following afternoon I was in the kitchen making my grandmom's recipe for her homemade apple crumble. 

"Liv what are you baking?" 

"I am making grandmom's apple crumble." 

"Awesome I can have some later on tonight!" William exclaimed. 

"I'm glad you only love me because I can bake like grandmom." I teased. 

"Why are you baking two?" 

"The second one is for our new neighbors to welcome them to the neighborhood." 

I put both baking dishes into the oven I walked over to the sink and cleaned up the dishes William dried the dishes and put them away. 

"When will you make grandmom's ginger bread men cookies?" He asked. 

"I don't make them until Christmas time." I answered. 

My mother came into the kitchen. 

"Olivia, you're in charge the week-end while your father and I are in New York."

"When are you leaving?"

"As soon as your father comes home from work." my mother said. 

"When will you be home?" I asked. 

"Sometime Sunday," 

My mother left the kitchen William just shook his head. 

"Are mom and dad trying to say that they don't trust me?" He asked. 

"Afraid so," I sighed. 

"Ever since I came out to mom and dad, they have treated me like shit." 

"They only fear what they don't understand you're still my brother no matter what." 

William sat down at the table with a sigh I felt bad for my brother. 

"Will keep an eye on the desserts I'll be right back." I said, leaving the kitchen. 

I walked upstairs and walked into my parents' bedroom my mother was packing their suitcase I leaned against the door frame. 

"Mom do you and dad hate Will because ever since he came out to you two you both have treated him like shit. Will is still your son no matter what." 

"Your father and I don't hate Will we don't know how to accept that he's gay."

"I think you and dad shouldn't go to New York the week-end stay here and talk things over with Will. Please accept Will for who he is he wants you and dad's support." I explained. 

"How can you be so calm about this?" my mother asked. 

"I learned to accept people for who they are and some of the kids that I went to high school with are a part of the LGBTQ community." 

My mother unpacked the suitcase I left the room and walked back downstairs I returned to the kitchen William was taking the desserts out of the oven and sat the baking dishes on a cooling rack. 

"I took the desserts out of the oven." William said. 

"Thank you," I replied. 

"Do you think mom and dad will accept the fact that I'm gay?" 

"I went upstairs to talk too mom I asked her not to go away the week-end for her and dad to stay here and talk everything over." 

"Please tell me you'll be here to make sure everything goes smoothly?" He pleaded. 

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