Chapter Four: Running laps around you.

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My head was pounding when I woke, late on Saturday afternoon. I eventually pulled myself out of bed and to a mirror, to check out the damage. The whole left side of my face was basically black, whilst my stomach suffered some gigantic, black bruises as well. I poked the side of my face to test the waters, but it hurt like hell and I decided that I would never be doing that again. I stripped off all my clothes and walked to the bathroom, I was definitely in need of a shower after the night that I had. I slowly regained my memory of what had actually happened last night whilst as I just sat under the water spout, letting the hot water spread all over my body. Once I gathered all of the pieces of the night before, I jumped out of the shower and decided to text Mr. Langdon and thank him for bringing me home, as I know he could probably get in trouble for that kind of thing.

- Hey Mr. L, thank you for everything last night, I really do appreciate it.

- I wish there was more that I could have done. How are you feeling?

- Pretty crappy to be honest, my head is pounding like crazy and I can't concentrate for very long.

- I'll be over with dinner and pain tablets in an hour, get a movie ready.

Was it weird that I was totally comfortable with having my hot teacher over for a movie night? My phone vibrated again as I looked through the cabinet we had that held all of our DVD's.

- Oh and probably don't tell anyone if that's okay, I can get in a lot of shit for this.

I decided to play it smug, okay, it did make me a little nervous that we were going to be hanging out. This was like, the only time he got to see me without the ridiculous school uniform on.

- But I'm totally worth it ;) See you soon, Mr. L.

I quickly ran to the bathroom to try and cover up these bruises as much as possible, as well as making myself as presentable as I possibly could for a girl who was bashed last night. When I was finally semi-satisfied with my basic, neutral style that I had put onto my face, I ran to my cupboard to pick out something to wear. I decided casual and comfortable was best for this situation, So I threw on an over-sized plain, white shirt and rolled the sleeves before pulling on some tight, light denim jeans. I tied my hair in a half-up, half-down style and just as I added lipgloss to the mix, the doorbell rang.

I opened the door slightly, peeping out to find Levi, holding a bag of Thai food and grinning. God he was gorgeous, his white, perfectly straight teeth were absolutely incredible and his sparkling eyes staring into mine made my heart race. UGH, I needed to stop thinking like this, he was going to think that I was a total creep. I pulled the door open and let him slide in, trying not to let too much cold air inside. "Hello Avery, you managed to cover those bruises well." He brushed his fingers on the side of my face, sending tingles all through me, before sitting the Thai food on the table in the lounge room. "I didn't know what you liked, so I just got you what I get - Which is pad thai." He looked a little nervous, probably because he had spent money on something he wasn't even sure that I would eat. "I bloody love pad thai, you're the best Teacher ever." I laughed as I chucked myself on the lounge, rushing to open the containers. "Hungry, are we?" He laughed as he sat cautiously next to me, making sure to be leaving room in between us. "Well, I did only just wake up after I texted you, which means I haven't eaten all day. So yeah, definitely hungry." I scooped up a huge chuck of food and shoved it in my mouth, partially flashing a smile as I happily ate.

We had watched the best part of two movies, awkwardly sitting on the lounge together in complete silence. I was numb, except for the feeling that I got every time I saw him looking at me. As wrong as it was, I just wished that he felt the same as I did, having a one-sided connection with someone that you, LEGALLY, couldn't have, was probably the worst feeling ever. "You know, you don't have to sit so far away. It's not like I'm going to run to the authorities if our legs accidentally scrape together." I giggled behind my plastic fork, as I dug into the rest of the food that I failed to eat before. "Avery, I wouldn't be comfortable with that." Wow, what did he think I was going to do? I didn't reply, not knowing how and we continued watched movies in silence.

"It's late, I should probably go.." He said, with a hint of regret in his voice, as he checked his phone. I began to walk him to the door when I almost tumbled over from the head pain, him catching me and decided to help me up the stairs to my room instead. "Hey sir, thank you for everything you've done. I know this isn't exactly what a normal Teacher does for his Students." He pulled my blankets up to my neck, before sitting beside me. "There's just, something different about you Avery. I feel like I need to help you and I don't know why. Please, whenever you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask." I thought of all the things that I wanted off him, but everything on that list was most definitely illegal. Blushing, I thanked him before he started heading towards my door, it was now or never. "Hey Sir, there is something." I asked sweetly. "Anything, Avery." He answered, his hand on the half-open door, looking concerned that I might be hurt. "Perhaps, a goodnight kiss?"

Authors note: Oooo, cliff hanger! Hey guys, I know this is a short Chapter but I should be updating again soonish with some longer ones! Don't forget to rate, comment and follow my account, as well as heading over and reading my other book called "Taking Shape." Thanks guys!

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