Chapter One: Let's get Physical.

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"Avery, it's time to get up" A drained voice started to bring me back to reality, before I felt a petite hand slap my side and shake me hard. I reluctantly opened my eyes to see my very tired and most likely, hungover, best friend. "Morning Poppy" I yawned "How are you feeling?" I felt her move across the top of the blankets and opened my eyes once more as I began to stretch and sit up, she stood at the end of the bed in just her bra and undies, pulling out her school uniform from the over-night bag that she had packed. Poppy was a completely gorgeous girl with straight dark blonde hair with brown pieces running through it, that sat just past her shoulders. She was naturally tall and very, very thin. When we were younger people used to tease her and call her anorexic, when really every time she eats, she does so like it was going to be her last meal. We had been best friends since half-way through year 3 and her Family was very much like my own.

"I feel like fucking shit" she interrupted my thoughts "Who's idea was it to go to a party and get absolutely wasted when we have our first day of School today?" I chuckled at her misery, but immediately regretted it as I stood up and fell back on the bed from the pounding ache that swarmed my head. Poppy broke out into a loud laughter, pulling her skirt up onto her hips and zipping it up. "Shut up!" I blushed, holding my head in between my hands, "Anyways, this was your idea, so go get me something for my headache before I throw up." She continued laughing as she fumbled with the buttons on her shirt, walking out of the room.

The house was empty, so walking out with her shirt half-unbuttoned didn't matter. My Dad was away on a business trip, which he did a lot to support him and I. I was grateful for all of the sacrifices he made for us, even if that meant not seeing him too often. My Mum ran away from our Family when I was 7, so it was just him and I living in the house. My older Sister had moved out last year, which left me even lonelier. Addie was more like my best friend than just a Sister, we trusted each other and told each other everything, it was nice knowing I had someone there who wouldn't judge me and who I could completely trust, as well as Poppy.

She returned with a large glass of cold water, that had fogged the cup. In her other hand she held four pills. Silently, she handed me two of them and put the others in her mouth, chugging half of the glass and then passing it over for me to do the same. "Come on Avery, time to get ready. We have to leave soon." She was right, but all I wanted to do was stay in bed. I unenthusiastically walked over to my cupboard, slipping the dress that I wore out last night and fell asleep in, off, and pulling on my dark blue skirt with a checkered patten on it, as well as my plain white, button-up shirt. "Tie or no tie?" I turned to face Poppy, who was sitting on the bed putting on her chin-high socks, holding up the blue tie that matched the skirt perfectly. "Tie, definitely. I'm putting mine on after this." She flashed me a smile and I nodded in agreement as I put it on and continued getting ready.

I stared in the mirror, checking everything before heading off. My long, bright blonde hair was parted down the middle and pulled over my shoulders and ended at the middle of my stomach. I wasn't bothered to style it today, so my naturally thick, wavy hair had taken over. My shirt was tight on my bust, but it was the only size that fit me everywhere else, so it had to do. My skirt was also definitely on the shorter side, but not super short and again, tight on my bum and thighs. I had lost a lot of weight recently which I was happy about, but I still had some very obvious curves. All-in-all I was happy with my weight loss and have come to love the curves that are left, although they did make it difficult to find clothes that weren't either too tight or too loose.

I stood closer to the mirror and studied my face, I had done a subtle white and blue look with my eye-shadow to match the Uniform, as well as perfectly done, black, winged eyeliner. My lipstick was a beige colour, with a hint of pink and I had applied a thin layer of gloss over the top to make it shine. I loved doing my make-up every morning and I hoped that after High School was finished, that I could pursue a career in it. "AVERY, HURRY UP! WE MAY BE GOING TO SCHOOL HUNGOVER BUT WE CANNOT BE LATE ON OUR FIRST DAY AS SENIORS." I glanced over to the clock and began to giggle quietly to myself, Poppy worried way too much, we still had 20 minutes. "COMING!" I yelled out, grabbing my bag and heading down out the door.

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