Chapter 5: Take Me Into Your Loving Arms

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Dream panics ending up in Cross's arms while Cross holds him close. After Dream finally confronts Cross and learns how little he thinks of himself. Nightmare can finally be furious about Dream's past abusive relationships in peace while still being out of the loop about Cross's feelings.

Songs: I do not own the songs.
Miss Wanna Die
Hozier- Take Me To Church



Dream's triggers are not all obvious nor is he aware of all of them. Some of them are hair triggers like the specific phrase, "Can I at least walk you home?" There are others that will appear from this point forward.

Cross is extremely insecure about himself. X-Gaster beat any confidence he had out of him. He is attention and touch starved. He wants to be loved but cannot see himself as worthy of it. Killer took advantage of his desperation for affection.

The next morning, they get up and check out of the spa thanking them for their services. The staff wave to the twins as they leave through the doors. Nightmare opens a portal back to the castle. "Are you feeling okay Dream?" He asks concerned after last night. Dream's hands are trembling slightly in his and he looks nervous about going back to find chaos. Nightmare grabs his hand squeezing it gently rubbing his thumb over Dream's gloved knuckles. Dream smiles at him gratefully taking a deep breath before they walk through into the castle. They find a quiet castle with only one person in it other than them. It's just Cross who is resting in his room not asleep just relaxing. Nightmare hums saying he'll make breakfast and Dream smiles with a nod. He is still shaky after last night once again very grateful his lover stopped him from forcing himself to explain his reflexive guilt. He can tell Night is irate about the abuse he took and realizes seeing it as abusive is progress even though talking about it still drives him into an intense panic. He decides to see if he can talk to Cross while there is no one else to interfere. He goes up to Cross's door surprised when he hears the soft strumming of a guitar. He waits to see what Cross is playing but decides against it as Night tells him breakfast is ready through their telepathic bond. Dream knocks, "Cross, breakfast is ready if you'd like to join Nightmare and I." The strumming stops and Dream pauses to see if Cross will come out of his room. When he does not Dream heads to the dining hall alone. Nightmare sets a plate in front of him giving him a kiss on the cheek. Dream smiles thanking Nightmare for cooking as the doors open. Cross pokes his head in looking tired.

Nightmare gestures to the seat beside Dream, "Good morning Cross." Surprisingly,

Cross trots over and sits beside Dream, "Morning boss, Dream." He replies sounding like he's seen something he'd rather not have. "Thank you for breakfast." He adds and Nightmare nods passing him a plate. They eat in comfortable silence until Cross asks, "How was your decompress day?"

The twins smile and Nightmare replies first, "It was a nice relaxing day out."

"Maybe next time you can come with us?" Dream adds and Nightmare nods when Dream looks at him hesitantly.

"I-I've never been to a spa." Cross stammers his cheeks coloring slightly. That shocks both of them. "Gaster never allowed me to truly relax." "That is the easiest way to run any guard into the ground." Nightmare sighs. "This is why I try to let you all have down time so you can unwind."

"I appreciate it. I also wrote the report for you about Lust Swap Fell." Cross replies softly. This is the longest conversation the twins have had with him in months. "The lead Blue gave was true."

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