Chapter 4: Spa Day

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"Full decompression treatments todays gentlemen?" The masseuse asks and Nightmare nods,

"We both need it." Dream makes a soft noise of agreement making Nightmare worry more about his brother's stress level being too high lately. Dream reminds the sweet bunny monster about the sensitive areas of his spine as it had been fractured in three places by a group of thugs that believed they could sell his blood as a drug. They had cornered him in the ruins and pushing into one of the flower traps causing him to fall about 50 feet. The initial fall cracked his spine, but it was still in one piece. The thugs had then beat him black and blue making the cracks in his spine fractures. He woke up to Nightmare crying at his bedside covered in dust and blood. For once Dream wished he could've watch Night pay the thugs back for hurting him for their own selfish gain. He hadn't been able to walk without pain for over two months and his healed injuries still flared up from time to time.

Riley promises to be very careful and asks what kind of oil he would like while inquiring about allergies. Dream ends up choosing cedar which is a favorite of his. Nightmare chooses lavender and pine settling his tendrils over the edge of his table so Bernard can massage his back. Two hours later the two are in the hot springs for a relaxing steam soak mud masks painted onto their faces as they lounge in the private spring. Nightmare feels something cool hit his hand and looks over seeing that Dream is crying.

He floats over to him, "What's wrong sunshine? Is your spine bothering you after the massage?" Dream shakes his head to soothe his brother's fears.

"He...he talked to us! C-Cross actually without...he..." Dream tries and fails to get the words out as Nightmare pulls him close resting their foreheads together.

"Your emotions are not ridiculous." Nightmare wants to end that thought before Dream works himself up. "I'm glad he talked to us even if it was small it is progress."

Dream cuddles against him trying to get his riotous emotions under control, "I know my emotions aren't ridiculous." Dream murmurs. "I'm just overwhelmed I t-think?"

Nightmare nuzzles him gently, "I think we both are. I still can't understand why Killer is acting like a spoilt child. I...I don't like it at all!" Nightmare trembles a little himself finally letting his own emotions out. He feels his eye burn as his own frustration boils over into despair knowing Cross is avoiding them both because of Killer. "I made it worse switching the teams but." Nightmare feels Dream touch his cheek and looks at him as Dream wipes away the tears that had started rolling down his cheek. He nuzzles into Dream's palm, "But I know leaving them paired would be much worse. I...I..."

Dream stops him from forcing the words out. "Night don't force yourself to talk. I know you're frustrated but please..."

Nightmare turns his head kissing his brother's palm glad Dream stopped him. "Thank you, sunshine." He mumbles pressing a kiss to his cheek blushing lightly when Dream returns the gesture. Nightmare notices that Dream is still crying and brushes them away looking worried. "Are you still stressed?" He asks his lover.

"I t-think this is catharsis Night. I'm not overly upset right now." He replies and lets his lover comb through his emotions to see that he's fine. Nightmare nods seeing that Dream isn't distressed and rubs his shoulders causing Dream to start letting out soft raspy purrs. Night hums glad Dream isn't crying out of frustration and realizes he is also crying. This really is cathartic. He thinks as the tears flow. Dream rubs their wet cheeks together still purring He nuzzles back very glad he suggested a spa day.

Once they finish their soak they dry off and go to get a late lunch. Dream surprises his lover by ordering something that had a super sweet spicy sauce. Once their food arrives Nightmare tries a bite of Dream's plate and his tongue burns. Dream puts a dark chocolate milk mochi on his tongue to soothe the burning. Night chews it gratefully watching Dream eat the plate with disbelief. "H-How?" he wheezes softly.

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