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"I know. I am happy you figured it all out." He says.

"Thanks. Me too." I smile.

Grant continues to address my wound and once he is done he hands me my medication. I take them and we head toward the bedroom. I lay down on my stomach and he lays down on his back a couple inches from me. We smile at each other. His gaze is so warm. I lean up and plant my lips onto his. He snakes his hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I place one hand on his cheek. We stay like this for a long moment before we break apart.

I lay my head on his chest. "Thank you." I mumble.

"For what?" He questions.

"Just about everything." I smile.

Peter Smith and I worked for hours. Staring at numbers, and names all afternoon. It was completely exhausting, but fully worth it. We gave everyone enough money for at least a couple months. Everyone will have a job soon. Everyone is taken care of. I still have money for college. I will be going to college again in the fall. Peter Smith was really nice about everything. He was completely understanding about the fact I knew nothing about how to do this.

I will be forever grateful for Grant and Mr. Smith. Grant has been with me for shy of a year and I feel our strong connection already. I did as soon as I saw him. And now I don't have to worry about anything. No more dirty businesses. Atticus is old news. I wish I could talk to Omar about this. He would be pretty proud of me I think.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Grant asks.

I didn't realize I was crying. "Sorry." I stifle a laugh. "Happy tears, I swear." I laugh again.

"Are you sure?" He questions.

"Yea. I am fine. Good actually." I smile and look up at him. "I am really happy that I am all done." I tell him. "I am happy to go to school again. I am happy the company is no more. I am happy that all my father's employees are taken care of." I pause to look at him again. "I am really happy that you have stuck with me through it all."

I kiss him again for a quick moment. "I will stick with you through anything you want." He smiles.

I smile and kiss him again. "What should we do tomorrow?" I question.

"We could watch some movies?" He suggests.

"That is all we can do I guess." I smile and lay my head against his chest.

I am finally all done. The only thing I plan to do until school is to watch movies with Grant and live a simple happy life at last.


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