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"Natalia! Natalia!" I hear my dad call for me.

I run to my door to see him making his way up the stairs. I slide my glasses up to sit on top of my head. "Dad? Everything okay?" I say as he gets up to my room.

"Natalia, we have another security breach." He gasps for air.

"Again? Really? I have midterms next week!" I complain. "Why can't I just live a simple life?!"

"You know the drill." He grunts.

Oh do I. This seems to happen at least once a month! My father is a powerful man that holds a lot of power. And with that power, he doesn't know how to- manage it. Or just not start fights. So now people like to get into the house and try to kill us. No big deal. The first time it was a big deal, but now it's like the thirtieth time. And I'm sick of it.

I grab my books and make my way down to the bunker, with a combination of running, walking and ducking. My father's men surround me to protect me up until I get into the bunker. Once I'm inside I get right back to studying, sliding my glasses back onto my eyes.

It seems as though I don't care about my life, but at this point, I don't. Constantly having to sit on the edge of my chairs, get-away cars, constantly just in danger. I just wish I had my own place to just get away from it all. And have a week! Or a month to just focus on my studies. I can't wait to graduate college and get out of here, getting my dream job as a surgeon. But I'm only in my third year of college, then go on with my fourth year, then seven years of residency.

I want to get my own place, but my father will never let me out of his sight. After my mom was killed during some violence, he always had an eye on me. He is way over protective.

Maybe, just maybe I can convince my dad to get me a place. Just then he rushes into the bunker with fast breath. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"I'm fine. Are you?" I ask with a little too much attitude.

"Don't you snap at me like that." He snaps.

"Sorry." I look down to my books.

"I'm getting you a place to live, in a discrete location." He says quietly.

Well that was easy. But I'll take this slow. "W-why?"

"So you can be safe. I promise I will visit, and you can come here. It's just better if you go away." He says sincerely.

That could have gone so bad, thank god it went easy. "Okay... What's going to happen?" I ask him.

"We are just going to send you away from this." He says harshly.

"Oh, okay." I mutter.

"What did I say about mumbling?" He raises his voice a little bit.

I snap my eyes to my books again. "Sorry."

"Stop that! I can't wait 'til you are sent away." My dad rolls his eyes.

Just then there is a knock at the door. "Boss, it's clear. You can leave the room."

"Thank you." Then he turns to me. "Get to your room now."

I hurry out of the room with my head still down and get up to my room shutting the door. Thankfully my room isn't much of a mess this time. Sometimes my room will be a little- roughed up. But the maids will usually come in and fix it. Just as I thought it, Valleriy and Shay come in to begin to tighten it up here.

The Desire for a Simple LifeWhere stories live. Discover now