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"Grant?" The panic in her eyes almost makes me not complete the next step. But it has to be done. She falls limp and I catch her and hold her up.

"Great work, Grant." Atticus says as he walks into the room. I continue to hold Natalia not physically, nor menatly able to put her down. "And the gas to make everyone pass out in the house was genius." He says cheerfully. "You can go ahead and put her down. Mike and his small team will bring them to the car."

I refuse to let anyone else touch her. I pick her up, and sling her over my shoulder, holding her bad shoulder on top with her so it doesn't create any further damage. I walk out of the room and out of the house. The cold air runs across my face and I bring her to my car. Putting her in the back seat rather than into the van that Thatcher and Omar will go in. I strap her in so she doesn't fall onto the floor. I shut the door and get into the driver's seat and drive to the warehouse.

During the drive for the first time in forever, I feel guilt. I wasn't supposed to gain- dare I say feelings toward a mission. But I did, and I don't believe it. Natalia grew so comfortable with me, she opened up to me. She trusted me. I broke that trust because of a mission. Because my boss told me to. I have no other choice though. Atticus has given me everything. I can't disobey all of that because of a crush on a girl.

I sound like a thirteen year old; Crushing on a girl that is way out of reach.

- The following night, 10:03 pm -

We finally arrive at the warehouse. Boss decided not to take the plane so we just all had to drive. I don't mind driving, but this drive has made me a nervous wreck. Natalia won't be up for a while, so that's not what I am nervous about. I am nervous that when she wakes up, her opinion and trust in me will be the opposite.

I never really have emotions, so this new one is freaking me out. I don't know how to handle it. Natalia found her way under my skin and lives there, permanently. I feel different, and I don't know when or how I will be back to normal. And I don't know if I want to.

"Grant! What are ya doing? Come on. Get her inside." Atticus calls out.

I get out of the car and get Natalia out carrying her the same way as before. When I get her settled into her quarters I will fix up her shoulder, and sling it. I make my way to the place they will be in, Mike and his team carry the other two, following me. Once we get there, Omar, and Thatcher are put on the thin beds and I lay Natalia down and get ready to pop her shoulder back into place.

I make sure she is laying straight before I feel for her shoulder socket. When I find it, in one swift, yet powerful movement I push her shoulder joint back into the socket. I fit a sling over her head, and onto her arm holding it in place so it can help with the pain. Once she is all set, I leave the room, shutting the door, locking it.

They may wake up more toward the morning. So the boss will have interrogations to get the money. Atticus wanted to take Natalia as motivation for Thatcher, but I honestly think that it won't work, due to Thatcher's obsession with he company. Boss says to trust in his method, so I do as he says.

"Grant, you can be off for the night, but when they are awake so are you." Atticus says to me.

I nod my head and walk to my room. As soon as I am out of a quick shower I am right in bed and sleeping.

- 10:45 am -

I woke up a little over an hour ago. It was nice to sleep in. But it's now back to work. I stand outside the cell door in which is Thatcher, Omar, and Natalia. I begin to hear some groaning and shifting. I peer inside to see Thatcher holding his head as he sits up in his bed.

He looks around and the panic starts to set in. Thatcher goes to Omar first shaking him until he stirs awake. "Omar! What happened?!" Thatcher shouts. "Natalia!" He reaches for her and even though he tries to shake her she doesn't wake up. "What did they do to my daughter?!" He shouts.

Atticus comes down the hall with a grin on his face. "They up?" He asks.

I nod.

"Oh goodie!" He rubs his hands together. He walks up to the door and opens it up, walking inside. I walk in behind him. "Hello, friends!" He says.

"What are you doing here?! You are going to pay for this!" Thatcher says walking forward putting a finger in Atticus's face. "And you-" He turns to me. "I trusted you with my daughter's life. And for so much money! All of it wasted!"

"Speaking of the money. Your check bounced. So I'll need that along with the other six hundred thousand you owe me." Atticus simply says.

"Six hundred thousand?! What are you talking about?" Thatcher questions.

"Oh? You don't know? Need I remind you?" Atticus says in a low voice. When Thatcher doesn't answer Atticus does for him. "You signed an account form for my business. In fact you bought quite a few. Just to take my clients."

"I-" Thatcher starts.

"No no no. I just want my money. I know what you did and why. So no explanation needed. Just my money." Atticus states.

"I don't have it at the moment! You won't be getting it anytime soon so you need to let us go so we can make that money!" Thatcher orders.

"That isn't how it's going to work." Atticus shrugs his shoulders.

"Yes, it will." He steps forward to swing at Atticus.

I step up and take his arm, twisting it around and up his shoulder blades before pushing him to the ground. Thatcher gets back up and starts to square up but then just puts them back down. "I trusted you." He mutters.

"We will come back when Ms. Natalia wakes up." Atticus puts his arms behind his back and walks out of the room. I follow him out. I shut and lock the door behind me. "Tell me when she wakes up. Then we will start." 

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