Grave robber (Side)

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Gator: Welcome back sir

Salter: Everyone's briefed up. Lets get back to it

Price: 141 is ready for tasking

Ghost: What's our target, Reyes?

Reyes: Gather round. Here's the plan

(Reyes pulls up a map on the computer)

Reyes: The SDF has been salvaging parts from a scrapyard outside Pluto. They have one destroyer and a small skelter squadron on station. We deploy now, we can hit the ships and commandeer that salvage. We need all the scrap we can get to help rebuild the fleet

Player: A jackal strike mission. I'm in

(Reyes, Salter, Player, Price, Soap, Roach, Ghost, and a group of UNSA pilots head to the hangar and gets into their jackals)

(Reyes hops into the prototype skelter that he upgraded)

Salter: This could really put a dent into our scrap issues

Reyes: That's what it's come down to

Soap: Don't worry. I hear space weather is lovely this time of year

Group: (Dry laughter)

Salter: We can't let the SDF hold back our resources

Player: Agreed. We need it to rebuild our fleet

Reyes: But I don't think they'll be sharing anytime soon

Salter: Roger that

Gator: Captain. SDF skelters have already set up a perimeter. Expect contact the minute we punch in

Reyes: Roger. Any intel on the scrapyard?

Gator: Lots of debris. Not a lot of space for arial maneuvers

Salter: Sounds like fun

Gibson: Scars, 141, tower advises caution while maneuvering through the wreckage

Reyes: One one check

Salter: One two check

Price: 141 check

Gibson: Squad, you are good to go

Player: Copy that

(Everyone starts to prime their jackals)

Gibson: Launch in 3...2...1...

(The squad launches and flies in their jackals to an SDF scrapyard)

Salter: SDF destroyer at 12 o clock. We're visual

Reyes: Retribution, hold up. Scars and 141 will take it from here

Gator: Roger that sir. Good hunting

Salter:,Lets get in there

Player: All pilots on me

Reyes: Skelters are primary. We thin the herd and target that destroyer

Ghost: UNSA, weapons free

Soap: Hit the skelters!

(Soap, Price, and Reyes take down a couple skelters with their missiles)

(All the jackal pilots engage in a large scale dogfight with the SDF)

(Everyone does their best to avoid the debris around the scrapyard)

(As everyone else is fighting the skelters, Player and Salter go for the destroyer)

Player: Take the turrets on the right. I'll get the left

Salter: Roger

(They both go in for a gun run, destroying the destroyer's turrets)

Price: Looks like we won't have to worry about the turrets anymore

Reyes: Good

Ghost: Hit that destroyer!

Soap: Player! They're tracking you!

Player: Wha-? Uh oh!

(There is a missile heading for Player's jackal)

Player: I'm out of flares. But I have an idea

(Player heads full speed towards the destroyer, with the missile in tow)

(Right before Player rams the destroyer, they pull up and let the missile hit the destroyer's rear engines)

Salter: Nice one! The engines are damaged!

Reyes: The skelters are thinning out! Roach, keep hitting them!

Roach: (Nods)

(Roach then proceeds to take down multiple skelters with his jackal's machine guns)

Salter: Couple stragglers left

Player: Lets mop them up

(Everyone flies guns blazing at the last group of skelters, destroying them all)

Salter: Now lets get the destroyer!

Gator: Be advised, multiple ajaks inbound

Reyes: Solid copy. Lets get evil

Ghost: Roger that. Weapons loose

(141 and the pilots handle the ajaks, destroying them with heavy guns)

(Reyes and Salter go for the destroyer, blowing it up with missiles)

Salter: SDF destroyer is down

Player: Scratch 3 ajaks

Reyes: Great work, everyone

Gator: Be advised, a few more fighters in the AO

Reyes: Roger. Fever, cover me

Salter: You know it

Player: Get those ajaks!

(A few more ajaks enter the dogfight, only to be destroyed by the scars and 141)

Reyes: We got em!

Salter: Nice shot. Good effect, target destroyed

Reyes: Gator, how's radar looking?

Gator: Sector's almost clear. Heads up for an ace fighter in the battle zone

(An upgraded skelter takes down a couple of UNSA pilots with it's energy cannons, making everyone else scramble away)

Salter: Take him, raider

Reyes: Engaging

(Reyes and the SDF ace flier go into a final showdown at the scrapyard, resulting in Reyes shooting the SDF ace's skelter engine, making fly into a piece of debris and blow up)

Salter: Splash, one ace! Solid work, raider!

Gator: Nice shooting. Picture is clear

Group: (Indistinct celebration)

Gator: All SDF vessels have been eliminated. Great flying out there

Reyes: Relay to STRATCOM and get a salvage team in here

Salter: Good call, Reyes. The UNSA needs every bit of this

Reyes: Lets get in the net, everyone

(Everyone flies back to the Retribution)

Reyes: Ret, squad is on approach

Gator: Copy. All yours, tower

Gibson: You are clear for landing, standby for lock

Reyes: Flaps, gears out, ready baton

Player: Another day, another victory

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