D-Con (Side)

150 4 0

Reyes: SDF Hellas is in Venus atmosphere repairing attack damage. Intel reports it's carrying chemical weapons. Scars, marines, and 141 will board for search and destroy. We'll locate the chemical munitions and take out the carrier. Any questions?

(No one responds)

Reyes: Good

Griff: Ready to get rigged up? I'd recommend a light machine gun. It can lay down some heavy fire, get you out of a pitch

(Everyone grabs their loadout)

Griff: You're locked and loaded. Go get em

(Everyone exits the armory and gets to their jackals)

Kloos: Everyone's rigged up. Solar winds should be steady. Good hunting, Captain

Ethan: Captain, I've pulled the schematics on the hellas and I'm set for overwatch. I'll guide you through the enemy ship and help you get back in one piece

Reyes: Roger. Fever, you set?

Salter: Burning. Lets go

Reyes: Marines, you set?

Omar: You'll have what you need from us, Captain

Reyes: 141, you set?

Price: Peachy

Gibson: Be advised, winds are heavy on your course

Reyes: Roger one one

Salter: Check one two

Player: Check 141

Gibson: You are all cleared for go

Reyes: Roger. We're green

(Everyone takes off in their jackals and flies to the coordinates of the SDF Hellas)

Salter: Gale force winds heavy at two five zero echo

Omar: Marines steady at wing

Salter: Copy. Heading upstairs

(The jackals fly upwards through yellow clouds to find the enemy ship with a bunch of skelters guarding it)

Salter: SDF Hellas. Dead ahead

Soap: I have eyes on

Ghost: Same here

Reyes: Check. Ethan, target is visual. Preparing search and destroy for chemical weapons

Brooks: We got skelters!

Salter: They're defending Hellas

Player: Not for long

Reyes: Gotta clear them out before we board

Kashima: Dogfight!

Roach: (Raises fist)

Salter: Coming around, watch your flank

(Everyone breaks off and flies their jackals in an attack formation)

Salter: We got lightning, watch your wings

Group: Copy

Brooks: Can lightning bring us down, Lieutenant?

Salter: Rarely, Brooks

Brooks: Good to know

Kashima: Comforting thought...

Omar: Harden up son!

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