Taken dagger (Side)

150 5 0

Reyes: SDF Galaxius is holding a weapon they poached off of Europa. They've got kidnapped engineers on board to help replicate it. Best efforts to rescue the engineers, but weapon retrieval is primary

Gator: Aye sir

(Gator sets a course for the SDF Galaxius)

(Soon, in the armory)

Griff: Got a fresh batch off the printer. I tacked on silencers to help minimize your signatures. Feel free to use anything that catches your eye

(Everyone grabs their loadout)

Griff: I'd say y'all are ready to kick some serious ass

(Everyone boards their jackals)

Reyes: Marines, you all set?

Kashima/Omar/Brooks: We're set

Reyes: 141, you set?

141: We're set

Reyes: Tower, we're green

Ethan: Captain, I'll be your eyes and ears for this one. Marines will escort the engineers to the Retribution while you and Salter assist 141 with recovering the weapon. I'll get you there and back

Reyes: Copy that Ethan

Gibson: One one, one two, be advised, skelters are in formation around Galaxius

Salter: Copy one two

Reyes: One one copy

Player: 141 copies

Gibson: Scars, marines, and 141 are locked for go

Reyes: Roger. Count it

Gibson: Launch in 3...2...1...

(The jackals launch)

Reyes: Alpha team is in position. Exiting the raven

Ethan: Be advised, Galaxius is scrambling fighters at 242 mark 6

Reyes: Keep em busy Salt

Salter: Copy. Approaching with scar two. Light em up

(Everyone exits their jackals with space gear on)

(Salter and a few SATO pilots are in a dogfight with the SDF in the background)

Reyes: Alphas, weapon retrieval is our primary, but we make every effort to rescue the engineers. Clear?

Group: Clear!

Reyes: Fan out and use the debris as cover

Kashima: Copy. Peeling right with Roach and Ghost

Brooks: Check. Going left with Price and Soap

Omar: I'll take the center with Reyes, Salter, and Player

Reyes: Stay sharp, they know we're in the wire

Ethan: Sir, enemy triggers are closing in on your position

Player: I see them

Omar: Got a visual

Brooks: This wreckage was the UNSA Orcana

Kashima: What's left of it

Ghost: Those SDF wankers are gonna burn for what they did

Soap: In time. For now we need to stick to the plan

Price: Agreed

Roach: (Thumbs up)

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