Chapter 19

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One week later


George entered the hospital room for the third time this day. He smiled as Dream laid there, snoring softly. It was 11am, George brought some more clean clothes for Dream. He sat down in the chair and drank some more of his coffee. He had some scruff growing on his chin; he hadn't had the time to get rid of it. He hadn't had the time to do much, all he wanted to do was be with Dream; keep him safe. Make sure Dream was fine, protect him.

It has been eight days since the wedding. Dream wanted to forget about it completely, so did George. George placed his hand on Dream's hair, slowly caressing it. The blond yawned loudly before stretching his arms. He opened his eyes and looked at George, smiling.

"I love you George," Dream said quietly. He loved how George still cared about him, even though Dream said all those things. George placed a small plastic cup of water in Dream's hands, who sat up and drank it all. It was around noon, and usually Dream was still asleep by now.

"Lets go, George." Dream always said that. George always complied. It was refreshing instead of saying inside of the boring hospital room. George carried Dream into the chair. Dream started moving out of the room, George stayed by his side.

Dream exited the hospital completely, something he hadn't done in a long time. "So where are we going to go today?" George asked while pushing Dream. Dream shrugged, all he wanted was to be away from the hospital; it reminded him of what happened. It reminded him of all the things he said to George.

George pushed Dream along the sidewalk, walking into a park. Flowers surrounded the area, small trees were growing. Some people were there walking their dog, playing with their kids. Dream held George's hand in his while they kept moving. George started picking up flowers and kept asking Dream what color they were.

"Is this a red one?" George asked while examining the flower in front of Dream. Dream chuckled as he got closer.

"Yep, you got it!" George smiled as he placed the small flower in Dream's hair, causing him to blush. George started to push Dream as they kept moving. It was calm, not much happened; but it was better than staying cooped up in that cramped hospital room.

A slight drizzle started, George feeling it hit his head. Dream groaned as George led them back to the hospital. George entered the hospital room with Dream, but instead of putting Dream back on the bed; he pulled out an umbrella. Dream smiled as he pumped his fist while George pushed him out of the room and back outside.

The heavy rain hit the top of their umbrella as they kept going around the area. Dream was wearing a jacket that George had bought him. It was the color blue; George said it was the only jacket he knew the color of, Dream chuckled.

The rain was still pouring in, most people had left the park. George had brought two sandwiches for them to eat in the small park. George had them in a small ziploc bag. He pushed Dream towards a bench. He sat on the edge of it, sitting next to Dream, who placed his hand on top of George's. George pulled out the sandwiches and placed them on Dream's lap. He moved it up and near Dream's mouth.

"I can do this myself George, but thank you." Dream said before he took a bite out of the sandwich. Dream ate it fairly quickly, George helping him. "Can I have the other one?" Dream asked, George nodded in response while humming. He handed him the other sandwich, Dream picked it up and started eating it.

"I love you Dream, I always will." George smiled as Dream finished the second sandwich. George stood up and went behind Dream. Pushing him towards the hospital.

"Can we stay a bit longer, please?" Dream said while George kept moving him. George sighed before turning the chair back around.

"Where do you want to go?" George asked.

"Can we go back home, just for a while." Dream responded, while George hummed and nodded at him.

"Walk or drive there?" George asked while pushing him towards his car.

"Can we walk there,"

"Dream it's almost an hour, but okay; we'll walk." George said while taking his phone out and going to google maps. He typed his address, and he was right; 1 hour and 7 minutes.

They walked past a lot of tall buildings, before reaching an open area of grass. It was dark, the sun had already set. It was still raining heavily. George took his phone out and started playing some music during the walk.


It felt forever until they started to recognize where they were going. They entered the town, and walked up the grassy hill that led to George's house. The cold air was still evident, as well as the rain. George entered the house, pushing Dream in first before going inside.

George closed the umbrella, pushing Dream towards their room. George placed the wheelchair near their bed.

George got ready for bed, changing, and helped Dream onto the bed. Dream smiled as George laid down and hugged him tightly. George placed his hand on Dream's head, caressing it while moving his hair. He turned off the lamp on the nightstand.

"George, I was thinking in a couple days; if you want to go on a date? Like a proper one." Dream asked. George got closer and nodded while looking him in the eyes. Dream smiled, George kissed him on the forehead, before laying back down and hugging him. George pulled closer to Dream, connecting hands. Dream hummed a short melody before falling asleep.

He thought this would be it, he thought he could finally do it. It would be in a couple days; probably two or three, but it was going to happen. It was finally going to happen, Dream was finally going to say what he wanted to say for forever.

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