"Kurtie you were amazing, Blaine would be so proud of you!" Jeff shrieked while grinning.

"Good thing I recorded the whole thing" Sebastian said with a smirk before ruffling my hair.

"Sadly we can't stay but we had to congratulate you, and wish both you and Blaine good luck for tomorrow, we'll be watching at Dalton." Hunter said.

The others said a few words before hurrying off so they could get back before curfew. When I realised the time I grabbed my stuff as well and said goodbye to the rest of the new directions before heading to my Dad's car since he was driving me to the airport.

Getting on the plane after saying goodbye to my father was nerve-wracking as my fears came back full force, but I decided to sleep it off since it was late and I was exhausted so by the time I woke up we were landing in New York and I was nervous but excited to see Blaine. I had expected to have to get a taxi since it was nearly 3AM now but was shocked to see a man holding a sign saying "Kurt Hummel" on it. Cautiously I went over to him and he smiled at me, "You must be Kurt. Mr Anderson sent me to collect you." He then grabbed my bags as if they weighed nothing and marched off, meaning I had to jog to keep up. My shock amplified tenfold when he led me over to a sparkling black limo, and then once again when inside of it sat Blaine. That was when the tears came, I quickly buried myself in his arms and felt the door shut behind me before the man climbed into the front and drove off.

"Hey sweetheart, don't cry... what's wrong?" I just shook my head and hugged him harder, laying my head on his shoulder. "It's okay... just calm down" he murmured over and over, rubbing soothing circles in my back. By the time I calmed down we had arrived at the hotel which he had already checked into, so he thanked the driver and helped me out with my bags before heading to what looked like a private elevator that was mirrored all around. I sighed contentedly as I laid my head against his shoulder before the elevator dinged and we stepped out. He took out a key and opened a door to the biggest hotel room I had ever seen, one wall was entirely made out of windows and in front of it was a full living room, there was a corridor to one side down which I saw a few doors.

Blaine quickly dropped my bags just inside the door and grabbed my arm and quickly pulled me into a tight hug before pulling back and kissing me gently. "Do you want to talk, or sleep?"

"Sleep please... and cuddles?" I murmured, so he grabbed my bags and led me to the bedroom, where we both quickly changed and got ready before bed before sliding in next to each other. He pulled me close and I quickly fell asleep for the first time in weeks.

I woke up a few hours later, around 11 and saw that Blaine was no longer in bed with me so I quickly got ready and headed out to see him sitting in the living room strumming a guitar gently. He grinned as he saw me round the corner "Morning babe, I didn't wake you, did I?" I shook my head and rubbed my eyes sleepily before settling on the sofa next to him. He put the guitar down and wrapped an arm around me and laid his head on my shoulder. We sat in comfortable silence for a while before Blaine turned to me, his eyes softening as he began to speak "Are you feeling okay after last night? Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm feeling better, I don't even know what it was about, it's just been a bit overwhelming recently, what with regionals and I missed you and then stressing that I would ruin this for you and- well I guess that's it really." I managed to get out all in one breath.

Blaine chuckled gently "Sweetheart, you could never ruin anything for me, and from what I saw of your regionals you were amazing. And I missed you desperately as well." I grinned and kissed him quickly before I laid my head on his shoulder and we sat in silence for a while. Eventually Blaine decided to order some room service while we went over what would happen that evening.

Once we were eating (settled on the floor), Blaine spoke up, "So tonight what's going to happen is we will be leaving around 3 to go get our hair and makeup done then driving straight to the Staples Centre." I nodded along as he spoke "Then we'll have to walk the red carpet and be photographed, then afterwards a few journalists will get to ask us a few questions before we'll head inside, I know where our seats are, and we'll get to watch. When it comes time for the two awards, more cameras will be on us and then if I win I will have to go on stage to collect my award and give a speech. Then afterwards there will be more cameras before we can head home. Sound good?"

I let out a shaky breath and nodded. It was a lot to take in but I knew it would be so I nodded before running my hand through my hair. "What time is it now?"

"Around 1, so we still have a few hours... So what do you want to do?" He asked "We're stuck in the hotel I'm afraid, Suzie has banned us from going outside as paparazzi are swarming trying to get a glimpse at someone before tonight." He said apologetically, but I was glad as I wanted to avoid any problems before tonight.

"I just want to cuddle and rest a bit, tonight is going to be nerve-wracking as is."

"I think that can be arranged." He replied with a smile.

That was how we spent the next few hours before Suzie came and hurried a tired looking stylist in who would be getting us ready for tonight. She first came at me armed with hairbrushes and gel and I don't even know what most of the products she applied to my face and hair were but soon she shoved me into the bedroom with a garment bag before turning to Blaine who looked terrified but resigned to it.

The suit I pulled out was stunning, it was a dark blue crushed velvet with embroidered black leaves and flowers. I could tell it was custom made because this was something I had designed but never had the materials to make myself. I almost started crying but remembered that the stylist had put makeup on me so instead I just changed into it and spun around in the mirror a few times before heading back out to the main room where Blaine was stood already in his suit. He turned around when he heard the door opening and gasped, I gasped as well when I saw him, he was also in one of my designs, one I had designed with him in mind, it was a pale grey suit with floral designs similar to the ones I had on mine but in dark blue which matched the colour of my suit.

He grinned and came over and wrapped me in a hug before the stylist yelled out. "NO! You'll wrinkle the suits!" so he stepped back and just smiled dopily.

"I love you, and you look stunning in your suit, I think I picked well in the designer, they seem to know what they're doing." Blaine joked.

"Whoever made them did an amazing job, they're exactly what I pictured when I drew them."

"OK you two, enough cutesy lovey dovey stuff. Save it for the red carpet because we need to get going now." Suzie piped up before physically pushing out the door after thanking the stylist.

When we got outside the paparazzi were crowding the limo that was waiting for us so two large security guards hurried us into the dark, quiet interior.

It drove off as soon as we were inside and my nerves increased tenfold, especially when Blaine asked me a simple question.

"Are you ready?"

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