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he knew he didn't know the dark haired girl for very long, but when luke got off the plane he couldn't wait to text emilia and tell her his flight had landed. his brain had been running with memories of the past week for the entire flight, so he tried to ease his mind with turning his feelings into a song, but when luke sent a text to the girl telling her he had made it home safely and that it was embarrassing how much he missed her already only to receive a message a message back from the number he texted saying that they think he had the wrong number; well, let's just say the song seemed to take a turn.

luke obviously had hooked up with other girls before emilia, but for some reason every time he closed his eyes, memories of the small girl flooded his mind. to find that she had given him a fake number stung the older boy a bit. luke had thought emilia had just as good of a time with him as he had with her and although unlikely, he hoped that maybe they could see each other again. the girl obviously didn't feel that way.

luke turned all his focus to writing songs for the next few weeks as he sulked. the rest of the boys felt bad at first, but ultimately told the younger one that emilia was the same as every other girl and that it was time he moved on. luke knew they were probably right, but luke had the memories of being with her. not them. luke had the picture of kissing her in the rain burned into his brain. luke had the recollection of touring the city he's been to many times with the girl by his side as they talked about everything. he couldn't believe that she was like the other girls. he didn't even think that she knew he was famous.

regardless, he did have to move on. there was nothing he could do if he had no way of contacting the girl. he focused on his family while they had a break in australia, making sure to spend as much time with them as possible before heading back home to his own place in los angeles.

currently, luke laid in his king sized bed cuddled up to his dog pentunia who seemed content just laying there as well. he had missed his dog while he was away and he was glad that they were going to be home for awhile to focus on their next album.

luke didn't know how long he had been laying there, but he groaned as he heard his door bell ring knowing it could really only be one of the boys. he gave petunia one last pat on the head before dragging himself up and over to the front door where he pulled it open to reveal calum standing there with coffees in his hands.

"you look like shit mate." the dark haired boy chuckled as he pushed his way inside. the blonde scoffed and rolled his eyes at his friend who was now crouched on the floor petting his dog.

"i know you didn't come here to just insult me." the blonde sighed and ran a hand through his unruly curls in an attempt to tame them.

when calum stood back up, he handed one of the coffees he had to luke before rolling his eyes. "don't tell me you forgot about our recording session today." luke just furrowed his eyebrows and tried to remember when they had discussed recording today. "just go get ready, we have a little over an hour before we have to be there and i'm hungry."

luke did as he was told without argument because he knew they couldn't just skip out on a session. he had quickly showered and got ready in only thirty minutes leaving the boys plenty of time to stop and get food before arriving to the studio.


"so, we're going out tonight right?" michael asked both ashton and luke who were watching calum record some stuff for their new single. luke had opened his mouth to deny, but ashton cut him off.

"yeah mate, i'm bringing kaykay"

"sweet, crystal is coming too."

luke brought his hands up to his temples and groaned. "happy couples disgust me. i'm not going." the boys knew the blonde was only joking and he truly did love crystal and kaykay, but he was still sulking about the dark haired girl that he had met in london. after that night at the bar, they hadn't seen much of luke for the remainder of the trip unless it was to change clothes and leave again.

none of them had known why luke was so hung up on a girl he only knew for a week. calum suggested it was probably just because she was good in bed. for all they knew, this girl was just with luke for his fame and they were tired of seeing their friend upset over a girl who wasn't worth his time.

"come on mate, drinks on me." ashton offers with a raised eyebrow and an excited look in his eyes.

"and maybe you'll meet a girl tonight, huh?" michael added to which the blonde only shrugged his shoulders. his face didn't hold much emotion as he stared blankly at them before nodding.

"fine, i'll go, but only if ashton sticks to his word." he joked. it wasn't like a couple drinks would put a dent in his wallet, but somehow just knowing the alcohol you were consuming was free of charge just makes it taste better.

the red haired boy rolled his eyes with a laugh, but he did hold true to his word.

calum and luke were currently sitting in the corner of the bar watching the crowds of people who were either dancing or chatting at the bar. luke's mind somehow still managed to wander to the memories of the night he met emilia.

"why don't you go talk to her?" calum voice broke the blonde out of his thoughts.


"that girl you're staring at, go talk to her." he replies nodding over at a girl standing near the bar who was seemingly trying to wave down the bartender. luke hadn't even realized he had been staring at the girl as he was sort of zoned out, but he figured there would be no harm in a chat.

he stood and brushed off his clothes before making his way over to the bar where the tall blonde girl stood. she was wearing a skirt so short it left almost nothing to the imagination, paired with a white corset top to match. he stood beside the girl and waved the bartender over to him.

she scoffed. "i've been trying to get his attention for like ten minutes." the boy's piercing blue eyes turned to eye the girl he was hoping to get the attention of.

"what would you like doll?" luke knew he had a pretty good shot with any girl her talked to; all he had to do was play up the charm.

him and the girl hit it off quickly as they were both in a drunken state, but neither one seemed interested enough to make a move. the girl he now knew as caroline was also forced to the bar with her group of friends who wanted her to get over her asshole ex. she had asked the boy to stay and talk so her friends would leave her alone and luke agreed seeing as the girl seemed like a fine distraction to keep his mind off a certain girl as well. they spent awhile talking, sharing stories with the other about why they are drinking tonight.

it wasn't until about one in the morning when the girl got pulled away by her friends leaving luke alone at the bar. he decided it was time for him to leave too so he sent a quick text to his friends before walking out of the bar and down the road. this time however, luke was more than just buzzed and he didn't have the company he longed for as he walked home alone.

{author's note}
i'm loving all the comments guys! let me know what you think of this chapter.
now you know why luke didn't text.. poor lumilia.
anyways, i hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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