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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour

Ydris was looking at you, you looked back at him. He held your hand and you blushed. "[Y/N] tell me, what makes you not ordinary?" You stop and think for a while. His question was quite a hard one. What makes me original, not like the rest?

He notices your troubled face. "was my question not clear, dear?" He asks you. You shake your head in all different ways. "I- uh i uhh.." he chuckles a little. "Oh dove" he says, you feel embarrassed. "The thing that makes you special is.."


You wake up. "SERIOUSLY? WHAT EVEN WAS THAT" you shout out loud. You throw you blankets on the ground and walk over to the dresser. It had figures of horses standing on it. A few candles and nail polish bottels. And then a mirror, you look in the mirror. You notice that your face was red! You start brushing your hair. And wash your face. While brushing your teeth you notice a purple butterfly outside. Hm cute, you think to yourself.

You head downstairs and are greeted by Maya. "Good morning Maya!" She smiles at you and hands you tea. "Good morning [Y/N]" she says back to you. You grab the news paper that had been delivered earlier this morning.

"I'm going to go to Alex later" Maya says as you notice her blushing. "oh and what are you two going to be doing~" you say in a teasing yet playfull manner. She struggles to form a sentance "We are going too.." she starts talking, you smile brightly with a teasing look. "Watch a movie and go for a ride trough the forest." You start jumping up and down "Oh yes! Maya is finally interested in dates!" You shout out. Her face becomes super red "OMG [Y/N] SHUT UP! WE'RE JUST FRIENDS" you burst out laughing. "Keep telling yourself that!" She grunts. "UGHH! You know what, tommorow we will go to that fortune teller guy and we will see what he says" you blush at the thought of being back at nilmers highland.

Maya smiles at you "Guess I'm not the only one who is going to visit someone *special* later" you sit in silence with a look of confusion. You felt those butterflies again, thinking of holding his hand on the crystal ball. Maya chuckles. She takes your empty cup and washes it in the sink. She walks over to the hall and grabs her coat. "I'm leaving now, have fun [Y/N]" she says while smiling in a teasing way.

You look at your wrist. "Where is my watch?" You say to yourself. Suddenly you rememberd what happend yesterday. "Shit! I threw my watch on the ground". You sigh "I guess i have to go back to the circus later." You head outside and walk to the stables. You start mucking the stalls. Your horse was inside. Luckily maya had put him/her there. "Phew!" You say out loud worried you might have left your horse outside. You pet his/her nose and give a little kiss on his/her head.

You then grab the rake and get some hay for the horses, Putting it in the tray. Then after i gave the horses some water. Maya must've been gone for about an hour now, and i had no way of telling the time. I just hoped Maya and Alex were having a good time. You start laughing and [H/N] looks at you confused.

You go in the storage and grab the tack. You tack up [H/N] and sit on him/her. You start riding your way up to nilmers highland. Occasionally the thought of Ydris and your dream crossed your mind. You felt butterflies in your stomach again.

You had arrived and Ydris was, just like always, standing infront of his wagon. Looking into nothing-ness. "My dove has come flying back to me". He says in a cheerful voice. You nod your head yes and blush a little. You walk over to him "Ydris?" You start talking, you notice he is listening and interested in what you're about to say.

"Have you seen my watch?" You ask him. He looks confused "Ma chérie, I haven't seen such a thing since.." you place your finger on his lips shushing him. You notice him blush. He places his hand on your waist. "[Y/N]". He says your name, waiting for you to react to it, you let out a "mhm" sound to make it clear that you are listening.

"[Y/N]" he grouns, he has a hard time telling what's wrong. "Why, why do I feel this weird feeling in my stomach when I look at you?" He asks you, clearly he didn't know what it was. You blush. "Ma chérie, your face has gone red, are you okay?" He asks you, you chuckle and nod your head yes. He sighs of relief. "No matter how cruel you are, i always hope for you to come flying back to me" hearing him say these words made your stomach act up too.

"You see Ydris, you call that butterflies." Right at that moment a purple butterfly appears, he lands on the top of Ydris' hat, you laugh at how cute it looked. He looked confused "Like these little insects? Are there insects stuck in my stomach?" He asks you in a kind of playful manner. You burst out laughing, he starts laughing too.

You hold his face "You feel these butterflies, when you're close to someone who means a lot to you". He places his free hand on your cheek. You blush even more. "Then i guess that means, i care a lot about you dove" your heart starts racing. He gently presses his forehead against yours. "Promise me you'll come flying back, dove?" He says with a little bit of sadness in his voice. "I promise" the words escape your lips and you feel his warm breath against your face.

He takes his hand of your waist and grabs a watch. "I found it on the ground my sweet" he gently places it in your hand. You gasp "Thank you Ydris! This watch means a lot to me" he smiles. He's happy he helped you out. "Ydris, if you don't mind. I have to continue working" he sighs sadly.

"Can't you stay 5 more minutes?" He asks you with a gentle tone. "Okay, but Maya is not working today so I will have to go later". He nods his head and smiles. He puts both his arms on your waist, and you place both your hands on his cheeks. Both of you stand like that for 5 minutes.

"My dove, it's time you fly away again" you nod. "Yes, I'll take my leave now." You slowly remove your hands from his face, not breaking eye contact. He removes his hands and you hop on your horse. He smiles and waves at you. "See you soon my dove". You smile at him "See you tommorow!" He looked really happy when you said that.

You ride back home to moorland, and start cleaning the stalls again. After 5 hours you were finally done. You sit down and relax, at that moment Maya came back. She looks you in the eyes and both of you say "And how was it?" In unison. You both start laughing, "okay you first" you say to Maya.

She smiles "Well we cuddled, and we watched this really good movie" you smirk at her. You think to yourself, "i might have picked that smirk up from him.. hehe" Maya smiles "from who?" She says while smirking at you. "F*CK DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD?" you shout out. Maya laughs "YES YOU DID!" you cover your face with your hands.

"Well, ydris gave me his watch back" you say. "And~?" She asks you in a teasing way. "And that was all" you say with a bold voice. "Let me guess, you held hands?" You blush "Well I- not exactly" she smirks. "[Y/N] Is in love~~" she starts singing. "He had his hands on my waist and i held his face, that's all". You say, this time making sure to sound convincing. "No that's not all~" she says in a sing-song voice. "AND I TOLD HIM WHAT BUTTERFLIES WERE" she makes a loud "HA" sound, in a "i told you so" way.

She sits next to you and starts laughing. "let me guess, both of you I get butterflies when near eachother?" You nod your head, covering your face with your hands. She slaps your leg out of amusement. Both of you stay up all night talking. You eventually fall asleep on the hay bale both of you were sitting on.

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