What am I supposed to do now.

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[Y/N] your name
[H/N] horse name
[Y/P] your pronouns
[E/C] eye colour
[F/C] favorite colour
[F/F] favorite food.
I let out a deep sigh. "The soulriders are falling apart. And I upset Ydris again."
"[Y/N], it isn't as bad as it sounds. Besides there are more fish in the sea." Linda said.
"Yeah, but what if I want the fish with the top-hat, heterochromic eyes and a french accent."
"Then you catch that fish."

I let out another sigh and jumped of the fence. "Look, I can talk to Anne and Alex, so don't worry about them. Talking to Ydris is going to be something you're going to have to do by yourself."
"I know Linda, but are you sure he'd accept my apology after hurting his feelings so much the last couple of days?"
"The only thing that happened is that you said you were just friends"
"But we are not, Linda. We kissed last night. I shouldn't have said that." I felt myself go red. I didn't mean to tell them that.
"You guys kissed?!" Lisa and Linda said in unison. "Stop making a big deal out of it!" I answered.

"Should we go over to Valedale then?" Linda asked me. "We can also go to Nilmers Highland first." I'm going to have to make a choice. A hard one. The longer I wait with apologizing to Ydris, the longer it'll take for him to accept my apology. But if I don't make it up with the soul riders. They could fall apart. "We're going to Valedale." I answered. "Alright then, my horse is still at Nilmers Highland though." Linda said. "Mine too." Me and Lisa said in unison. "You both wait here, I'll go get them." Linda suggested.

"Why did you choose for the soul riders?" Lisa asked me. "Because you guys are family to me." I admitted. "And siblings get into arguements too." I said slightly chuckling.
"That is correct. Alex should know all about that." Lisa said as she let out a small laugh. "When do you think Linda will be back?" I asked. "In a couple of minutes, maybe 10?" She suggested.
"Right. Nilmers Highland isn't that far away." I said as I slightly wobbled on my feet. "That is correct, and don't stress about it all too much."
"I know that I shouldn't, but I don't know what to say."

Lisa jumped off the fence to face me. "Then don't say anything, let Alex apologize first." She suggested. I nodded in agreement. "[Y/N], I'm serious. It was bad-ass of you to stand up to her like that, don't let that be a waste." She said as she put her hands on my shoulders. "I won't." I replied.

After about 10 minutes I could see Linda walking towards us with out horses. Me and Lisa ran over to her. "I WIN!" Lisa shouted out. "Who said it was a race?!" I asked. "Whoop whoop! Great job Lisa!" Linda said while clapping. She handed me the lead rope of my horse. I mounted him/her and Linda and Lisa also mounted their horses. "Alright, there we go. straight to Valedale!" Linda said.

While riding towards Valedale I couldn't help but think about Ydris. Did I make the right choice? I'm sure Ydris could wait  a day or two. Or would he expect me to apologize immediately. Why was I making such a big deal out of it anyways. Saying we're just friends isn't that rude, right? "I recognize that face, and yes, saying you're just friends it's kind of rude [Y/N]." Lisa said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Oh great, I didn't know." I said sarcastically. "Well now you do."

"We're here!" Linda exclaimed. I felt a nervous feeling in my stomach. "I'm going to go first, you guys come when you see Alex and Anne walk out of the stable." Linda demanded.
"Sounds good." I replied.

After what seemed like ages Linda walked out of the stable.

"I don't think it worked." I whispered to Lisa. "I don't think so either." Lisa replied. Right at that moment I noticed the girl with the orange beanie and blue flannel run out of the stable. She ran straight towards me and hugged me. "I am so sorry [Y/N], I shouldn't have acted like that. Linda explained to me what happened and I shouldn't have let my past get the best of me." She said so quickly I could barely understand her. "I apologize too." The blonde haired girl with one pink streak in her hair stepped aside from behind Alex.

"I do accept your apologies, but you have to understand that Ydris has changed for the better. He wont ever try to destroy earth or turn anyone into a horse again. " I explained to them. They nodded. "We understand" They said in unison. "Thank you for understanding."

"Are you staying here or are you going over to Nilmers Highland?" Alex asked me politely. "I think I'll stay the night here, if that's okay with you." I said while looking over at Anne. "Yes that fine!" She answered happily.
"My work here is done, I'm going back home." Linda said as she turned around. "Wait for me!" Alex and Lisa shouted at Linda as they ran after her.

"Should we go upstairs?" Anne asked me. I nodded and followed her up the ladder. "[Y/N], I truly am sorry. I shouldn't have reacted in that way." Anne said apologizing again. "I know Anne, it's okay." I said in a reassuring tone. She let out a deep sigh. "I'll go get the mattress."

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