fifteen | coping?

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"who stabbed her? did you see?" penelope asks.

"it was dark. and the person was wearing a hoodie, sunglasses and a mask." elena was shaking- she was really scared by what she'd witnessed.

just then, two police officers approach. they were here to ask elena some questions regarding what happened since she was the only one there with carlotta- other than that psychopath that decided to stab her, of course.

"the physique seemed like a female to me- that, i'm quite sure."

"alright. any distinct features that managed to catch your eye? piercing, tattoos?"

"i did not see any. the person was wearing a hoodie with a mask and sunglasses." elena lets out a sigh.

they waited for a long while before the finally got updates on carlotta's condition. she got slashed on the left shoulder and stabbed in the same arm. as if that wasnt bad already, the person kicked her in the ribs and caused a few to break. there was really significant bruising, obviously. however,  they were incredibly relieved that both the injuries missed vital organs. seriously-- they were thanking their lucky stars. but the fact that she'd suffered from a head injury bummed them out even more. the doctors even warned them about short-term memory loss after she regains consciousness.

"mija, let's go home." penelope persuaded.

part of her wanted to stay, but the other part of her told her to head home with penelope for the night. after debilitating few seconds, she makes up her mind to go home, "okay." once they got back to the apartment, elena heads straight to bed. penelope saw how it was ans just let her be-- sighing, penelope goes to get a drink from the kitchen.  by drink, she means wine. she needed that after all the craziness today. suddenly, penelope hears someone call her name by her ear that literally made her scream. "mami! what the hell!" she whisper-shouted as she turns her head. lydia joins her on the couch, " is eh, lotta...?" "concussion, bruising, broken ribs. but luckily, the slashes and stab missed vital organs." she quickly explained. "ay." lydia gasps then starts mumbling to herself, praying.

" lydia gasps then starts mumbling to herself, praying

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over the next forty-eight hours, elena has spent more than three quarters of her time at the hospital by carlotta's side

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over the next forty-eight hours, elena has spent more than three quarters of her time at the hospital by carlotta's side. elena then gets a call from penelope, "we got this package." "huh? who's it addressed to?"



"do you want me to open it?"

"sure? but, i didn't order anything."

"hmm." penelope answers, "okay, i'm gonna open it."

before long, penelope says, "it's just a note. but a real disturbing one at that." "i'm confused." elena sighs. "this is just the beginning." penelope reads off the piece of paper. this just adds on to elena's pounding headache. "i can't believe i'm saying this...but please, god. give us some answers." elena mumbles under her breath, "let justice be served. she's been through enough. i can't lose her- not my best friend, not the love of my life. i'm not letting anyone or anything take her away from me so soon." she takes in a few deep breaths, holding carlotta's cold hand in her own, "maybe this is the heavens' way of letting you rest. i know you've been stressed out-- you don't even say it, but i can tell. please, mi vida, rest well and wake up. we're waiting for you. elena gets emotional again as she spoke. not to herself, definitely. they told her carlotta could hear her. silence soom fell. she sits in silence for a bit tell she hears the hospital room's door open and close. thinking it was the nurse coming in for routine hourly checks, she didn't really bother looking away from carlotta. "hey."

it was alex.

"hi. what brings you here?"

"you two." he sits down on a chair, "mami's at work and she wanted me to come down to check on you. plus i really thought i should come down to see lotta, y'know?" "you have no idea how hard this see your significant other so limp and helpless." elena finally sobs. "no." alex exhales sharply, "but i know how hard it is to see you sad like this. now i know.  i don't want you to be more upset...but we can't really control things that happen in life.  so all i could do was pray that she wakes up- you can't lose the love of your life, i can't lose such a good friend like her...mami's afraid of losing someone she treats just like her own daughter and abuelita...she's the same too. we're family no matter what. it's sure as hell a hard for us all right now, but you, the most. i haven't been the best brother, but i'm here for you if you need anything." "thanks, alex." elena's lips curl into a small smile. "carlotta, it's me. elena said you could hear us, so i'm saying this again: please wake up. come on- elena's miserable. everybody is. we need you." alex couldn't stand seeing elena depressed. "elena, let's go get something to eat." alex suggested. "i don't wanna go." she whines. "elena, please. just a little while." alex sighs, "she'd hate that you're like this." "i've been trying to keep it together, but honestly, i really just wanna let it out and cry-- that okay with you?"

"i'll be outside- no, i'm staying here with you." he decided.

elena just full on cried. not a word was said for that few minutes- alex sat in his chair silently. then they just decided to head out after elena's composed herself. "you feeling better?" alex asks cautiously. "a little." elena frowns. "i'll buy you some ice cream?" alex suggests hopefully. "sure." she agrees, "thanks, alex." "i'll see you tomorrow, mi vida. te quiero." elena smiled softly, kissing her forehead gently.

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published sunday, 7 march 2021

updated: friday, 7 october 2022

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