28: Irreversible (?)

Start from the beginning

"But then Unnie I'm curious about something. "
Jennie leaned forward on the table, looking up at Jisoo.

"Hmm? "

"The guy you described to me all these years and the one we all know are probably a bit too different.

I know that people change because of different reasons. After all often, change is the only constant in many things.

But if what you said is the only thing that happened, then to change so drastically as to become a whole different person, the dots don't connect somehow....

Ah.....I'm not in anyways belittling what you both had to go through!!.. "
She suddenly waved her hands, before continuing, flustered that her words might get taken the wrong way,

"But even if from different perspectives,

If you see the way you are right now, and the way he is, after going through the same events....


She didn't know whether she should say it or not as she crinkled her nose, no longer meeting the other woman's gaze.

"It just doesn't make sense. "
Yoongi finished the sentence for the younger.

He had known that Jennie was meticulous, but he was impressed that the student had managed to put it together and ask the exact question that he had wanted to.

"That's because, us having to go through the same events.....

That ended the day I left Seoul. "
Jisoo rubbed her palms together as she poured the coffee she had prepared in to the cups, handing over one to all except Taehyung who disliked coffee.

"Then that means, in the one year before he enlisted, something must have happened. "
Taehyung was quick to catch on, Jisoo nodding as she placed the tray back in the kitchen, walking over with her own cup back.

"Yeah.... I don't know yet in detail, but I sure do have a gist of it.

You all know Mr. Gong right?

Before when I was married to Seokjin, oppa was probably the only one who was on my side, he used to even talk to Seokjin to help me on my behalf.

He told me about what happened after I left. "

By the way that Jisoo grimaced, they could guess it was nothing pleasant.

She gripped her cup tighter, the warmth of the coffee seeping through the surface into her palms.

She breathed in before continuing. If she was anyway saying it, she'd rather tell it all to them.

"I heard that on the day I left, he got involved in an accident. And after that, I heard that he had a fallout with his mother.

And then some days later...... he... he tried to...kill himself.. by jumping off the bridge. ...."

[ refer to chapter 22 and 23]

There was an unprecedented silence in the room as soon as she said those words, her own voice was extremely low.

None of them had imagined such a thing would have happened. No matter what, suicide was one extreme none of the people in that room had expected.

To think that he'd try to end his own life. Even Jisoo herself couldn't comprehend what she would have done if he would have succeeded in his attempt.

Just the thought of his existence coming to such an abrupt end broke her into convulsions.

"But he was saved. And that day, Mr. Gong said that his father lashed out at him badly... "

To think that instead of calming him and trying to help him, they'd lash out at someone who just tried to end their life... Hyung must have been terribly alone in that house....
Namjoon couldn't help pity the elder man.

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