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I thought I was gonna die. My body is aching with pain and fresh wounds. They burn. They bleed. They make me go crazy. They make me weak. I opened my eyes to find the dark sky right above me. It is so quiet. This place was filled with screams, wails and fear. Now, everything has quiet down. Everything has become still. I tried to lift my upper body but it was too much pain in my back and ribs that I fell with my head hitting against the ground. I let out a groan of pain as I tried to breathe. My eyes losing their vision. My hands soaked in my blood. I tried hard to keep myself alive.


My eyes open to the darkness of my room. The warm blanket indicated that it was cold outside. My arms wrapped around a familiar figure as I breathe in the scent of the shampoo of her hair. I kissed her as I pulled her closer to the warmth of my body. She loved to feel a body against her. I didn't realize if the time passed too quickly or was it only my heart that let go of the warmth. I slowly slid my arms away from her as I place my feet against the cold floor. I rose and tucked her inside the blanket to keep her from waking up. I got dressed in one of my trench coat and layered it with a vest and long sleeve t-shirt. Put on my boots and kissed her lips before walking out of the room.

I climbed the stairs and visited everyone's room. They all were sleeping in their respective rooms soundly except for Jin who was up. It caught me a bit off guard. He looked at me, confused by my visit.

" Oh! you are awake ?" I asked.

" Yeah. Why are you here? You need something ?" he asked.

" I.."

" You going somewhere? You are dressed ?" he threw another question at me.

" Yeah. I was not getting some sleep so I decided to take a walk in the woods." I replied.

" Alright."

" Get some sleep, Jin," I said closing the door.

I walked downstairs, entering the big wide living room. As soon as I set my foot in the living room, she turned to look at me as her back was facing at me. She was dressed in a black blouse with hair open, falling on her shoulder perfectly.

" You're leaving ?" she asked arms crossed at chest.

I nodded in response.

" Good." She walked past me.

" Hazel," I called her out as her steps take a halt.

" Take care of them," I said looking at her back. She let out a sigh.

" ..and also of yourself." she walked away, climbing the steps without even turning to look back at me.

I turned around to walk away as I held my breath because I was very uncertain about what was gonna happen next. I believed in Hazel but I don't know if this will go down well. I need to be strong enough to take the wrath of not one but six of them. I will let nothing stop me. I will fight till my last breath. This no longer a mere fight between them and me. This ground has turned into a battlefield now. Here, every breath counts for another minute of life.


I coughed as my lungs cleared the knots and the air seeped in through my nose. My eyes shot open, giving me a clear vision of the moon above in the sky. The moon was bigger than usual and shone brighter than on any other days. I continued to cough as the air gave me new strength and everything that once resided in dark, came to life with moonlight. I pushed myself to sit up and this time, I was able to sit up. I looked around, still feeling drowsy in my head. My eyes fell on the staff of mine. I reached out my hand to it as it drew back to my hand like a magnet. I stood up with the help of my staff. In front of my eyes laid the bodies that died and the souls that have been trapped on this land. I raised my staff high in the sky. Thunders were rumbling could be seen in the dark sky as the wind moved every dust particle on the ground.

The Other side of the heaven 《 BTS FF 》Where stories live. Discover now