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I drove back home with Eva the next morning. I was scared about Hazel. My repeated phone calls were not answered last night. I tried calling her in the morning as well but she still didn't pick up her phone. I drove as fast as I can.

" What happened? You seem disturbed since morning." Eva asked looking at my state.

"Huh? Oh ! Nothing. I just want to get home soon and take a shower and lie down on the bed." I replied.

" Yeah. I want to do the same but I have submit my assignment today. I have to go to college." She hit herself on the head. " AND I FORGOT ABOUT THE ECONOMICS PROJECT !!! RUSH HOME AS FAST AS YOU CAN !!! QUICK !!! I NEED TO COMPLETE IT !!"

I found a better reason to rush home now. We soon reached our home and she rushed inside like a tornado. I took the bags and stepped inside as well. I looked at Eva's room and I can hear her blabbing about her economics assignment. I looked towards Hazel's room.

I looked around the house and everything was just the same. Nothing moved. Nothing changed. I climbed the stairs leading to Hazel's room. I placed my hand on the doorknob and waited for any sound coming from inside but rather I heard Eva talking to herself about her assignment.

I opened the door and stepped inside. I gasped at the sight which was in front of me. The room was in a mess. There were shredded clothes lying on the floor. I recognized the clothes to be of Hazel. My heart raced against my rib at the thought of what would have happened to her.

I walked over to the bed and there were blood spots on the white sheets. I went to check the bathroom and found some blood spots there as well. I removed my phone and dialled her number. Her phone rang in the room, on the drawer next to the bed. I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I rushed outside and closed the door just at the nick of the time before Eva can open it.

" I called you so many times and you didn't reply so I came to see. Where is Hazel ?" She asked.

" Uh .... she... has gone out for jogging. " I hesitated. " You were looking for me? "

" Oh ! Yeah. I need you to make me breakfast. Real fast and quick. Please !" She pleaded with melting eyes.

" Sure. " I tried to sound as normal as I could. We walked down the stairs. She soon left for college. I send her away with our neighbour, Nick. I couldn't risk her life as well. I went up to Hazel's room and started cleaning it.

I found her ring and a blindfold which didn't belong to her. I went downstairs after cleaning her room and waited for her to come home. I sat down on the dining chair and waited. I sat there for a few hours until I heard the door ' click.'

I stood up and went to the door as Hazel stepped in. I pulled her into a hug.

" Where were you? I was so scared for you. I tried calling you but you left your phone here. You should've at least texted me that you were going out. You--" I stopped talking as I realized she wasn't being her normal self.

She didn't hug me back and threw words of comfort to me. She just stood there. I partied to look at her and she looked me in the eye. But didn't speak a word.

" What happened, Hazel ?" I asked in concern.

" Nothing."

" Where were you ?"

" I don't know. I opened my eyes in a botanical garden."

" Botanical garden? What were you doing there? What happened last night ?" I asked.

" I don't know. I don't remember anything. I just remember that you guys drove off in a car. I don't know how I went into the garden." She replied.

The Other side of the heaven 《 BTS FF 》Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant