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'Whatssup people! How are you all on this fine day? Sorry for the delay but I have like hundreds of drafts and different stories/chapters I'm preparing so I've kinda been busy. I just want to let you know that I love you guys and I just want to thank you all for reading and enjoying my story. It means a lot since I barely update and I am regretting not updating for a while. I know how it feels to not get a update once in a while so I am going to force myself to write more often. It's just easier to read than write. And this stuff takes time anyway. Thank you for voting and commenting on this because I enjoy replying to comments.
Anyway, that's all from me and I hope y'all have a fantastic day and I'll see you in the next chapter.
Love you all!! 💟💟💟'

No one's POV

Aang was currently sailing through the sky, frantically trying to locate the address that Sokka had told him about. He had recently gotten a call from him allegedly saying that Katara was crying. Aang didn't know the reason but he definitely didn't want his 'friend' hiding in her room crying about something. Hence the reason why he was flying over to their house. He sprang over rooftops and chimneys as he progressively got closer to his destination. He eventually spotted the house and plummeted toward the ground before landing graciously and elegantly in front of the door. Without hesitation, he immediately shot his hand toward the doorbell and pressed the button, soon hearing footsteps getting nearer and nearer toward the front door and out came...

5 minutes earlier... 

Aang finally slid off his fluffy friend's head and examined his pockets for the constant beeping that was occurring in his pockets, which turned out to be his phone.

A - "Hello?"

S - "Hey Aang, its me Sokka!"
Aang couldn't help but notice that Sokka's voice seemed a bit desperate. What was happening? Was something wrong? He hoped that nothing was wrong, mainly because he was too exhausted to do anything in the first place. It also seemed that Appa had realized that something was wrong because he let out a concerned growl.

A - "Hey Sokka! Is everything alright, you seem desperate or something?"
Aang said while petting Appa affectionately as to reassure him.

S - "Oh yeah, everything's going great! How has your day been? I'm sure it's been a complete blast!"
Sokka answered, not hiding the fact that he was being sarcastic. Aang frowned at the phone before a mischievous idea popped in his head. Well, if Sokka wasn't going to be serious, then he wouldn't be either.

A - "Well, I guess it's been okay so far. But, I guess I could really use a fruit shake right about now."
Aang said with a playful grin on his face. Sokka, however, didn't seem to be amused since he grumbled something inaudible before returning his phone back to his ear.

S - "Look man, it's about Katara."
Sokka said sincerely. Aang's grin disappeared as soon he heard the words come out of the phone. No, Sokka must've been joking. But, his voice was sincere, right? He felt his body panic as he thought of the possibilities that could've happened. Sokka must've noticed the abrupt tension as he continued talking.

S - "I mean, she's locked herself in her room and is crying for some reason."
The warrior explained. Aang felt like a weight had been removed from him as he listened to the reassuring words that nothing happened to Katara. He unknowingly let out a breath of relief as he calmed himself down.

A - "Dude, you scared the life out of me."
Aang said while shaking his head after he had soothed his mind. Well, at least nothing too bad happened to my forever girl, he said in his mind, or, so he thought.

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