New Beginnings

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' This is my first story so I understand if you guys think this is bad. Just let me know what to improve on and I promise I'll get better, thanks for reading guys '

No ones POV

Aang opened his eyes to the gorgeous sun rise beaming down open him.
"Good morning Appa" Aang said while yawning. Appa growled in response before sleeping again. Aang changed into his air bending clothes and brushed his teeth. He looked at the time - 5:00 am.
"That ought to be enough time to meditate" He thought to himself as he began to walk to the park. Eventually, Aang settled on a big rock and began to meditate, listening to the birds and squirrels rushing past.
" This is going to be a good day, I can just feel it." He whispered to himself before closing his eyes.

Katara's POV

I woke up at the sound of my brother practicing with his sword on a sliced up mannequin and my father calling me to eat breakfast. I got up and quickly got dressed before brushing my teeth and rushing downstairs.
"What's for breakfast? I'm starving" I said to my father as I sat down.

Hakoda:  "Meat, obviously"
Katara:   "Uggg I'm so sick of meat"
Hakoda:   "Yeah but you know what your brother is like, and besides, it's your first day back to school, so you need your energy."
Katara:    "Fine, I guess"
Hakoda:    "SOKKA!!!!"

* Sokka runs into the kitchen *

Hakoda:  "No calm down...and that was only one time...
Katara:  "Yeah, Only ONE time"
Hakoda:  " I...umm.. I...okay fine, a few times, but that's not the point, Sokka, eat your breakfast"

* 25 minutes later*

Hakoda:  " Okay, it's 7:25 so that means you have 30 minutes to walk to school so you should start to head out"
Katara:   "okay then, see you later dad, love you"
Sokka:   "Yeah see you later dad, love you"
Hakoda:   "Yeah I know" - Smiles at them.
Me and Sokka leave and take the path to the park, admiring the views as we went. We were heading out of the park when I noticed someone meditating on a rock.
Katara:  "Hey, Sokka, who's that?"
Sokka:    "I'm not sure, but watch this"
Sokka had a small smirk on his face as he bent down to pick a small rock.
"Wait what are you doing?!?"
" Just watch"
Sokka threw the rock at the person who was meditating but his smile was instantly turned upside down. The person had caught the rock without looking!!
Sokka:  "What the.."
The person opened his eyes to reveal his grey, stormy pupils.
" I think this is yours.." The person said as he threw the rock back. Sokka was awe-struck but I was mesmerised by the figure. He was handsome, very handsome, and had a muscular and lean body, but also had some sort of warmth hidden in it. I looked in his was like I was safe, like nothing bad could happen to me as long as I could stare into those eyes. The person caught me staring and looked back at me and I couldn't help but blush. I tried to hide it but it was too late, he had seen me blush. He finally stood up and, before leaving ,smirked at me. He leaped away and was gone in seconds.
"Owww...That hurt!!" Came a voice from below. Sokka got up from the ground and rubbed his forehead.
"What happened?" I asked.
" That kid threw the rock back at me and it hit my head!! Man, I'm so angry....but even I have to admit...that kid has some damn good aim"
Me and Sokka carried on toward the school, Sokka grumbling about rocks but Katara's mind was on something else......well..someONE else.

Aang's POV

I was now running over to school, I had lost track of time because I was far too busy meditating, but that wasn't the thing I was thinking of. Just a few minutes ago I had met the most beautiful girl in the entire world!! I tried to picture the girl in my head, and all I remember was that she had some southern tribe clothes on and had the most gorgeous eyes. They were in the middle of dark blue and light blue and they were sooo mesmerising.
" Just like the sea" I thought to myself. I had arrived at the school and it was way bigger than I thought. There were people running and talking to there friends. There were lots of tall people in the older section but I was only a little shorter then them. I went through the gates and had officially started high school. I was only 16, but I blended in with some of the taller guys right away. All of a sudden, I felt a gentle tap on the shoulder, it was one of the teachers. He signalled me to follow him and I did, not wanting to get into trouble already. He lead me to a small area behind the school and told me to walk through the door. My first impression of him was like he was some sort of father, the way he acted around me made me think so. He had a white beard and a fire nation suit. He was also drinking tea, I think it was tea from the Jasmine Dragon but I couldn't tell. I did as he told me to and cautiously entered through the door. It was a small room and smelt like cheap perfume for some weird reason. He looked at me and began to talk in a hushed voice.
" You are Avatar Aang I presume"
" Yeah...and you are?" I replied back.
" I am General Iroh and I will be your new fire bending teacher."
" Oh, then why are we here?"
" Well most people don't know you are the Avatar, and if they found out, it could reveal your location"
" And why is that bad?"
" There are bad people in this world Avatar Aang, and even though you are a great air bender, you can't fire bend, water bend, or earth bend. And if some was a earth bender, what would you do?"
" I would....I.....right, I understand..." I replied again.
" Good, now go back out there, it's time for you to go."
I left the dingy room, unsure of what to feel. This was good, right. People wouldn't know and I could hang out with them without them speaking and acting like I'm a God or a blessing sent down from the sky. But...I don't want to keep secrets, I'm no good at that. Everyone else was still outside so I wasn't late but out of the corner of my eye I noticed someone......

No one's POV

Katara was checking her bag to see if she forgot some thing as she came through the gates.
Sokka:  "Alright, I'm gonna find Suki, see you at class sis"
Katara:   "Okay then, see you later"
Sokka ran of and Katara was left on her own. She was about to walk closer to the school when someone grabbed her hands behind her back.
" HEY!!!" Katara screamed as she turned around. " Jet?!?"
Jet:   "Yeah it's me"
Jet smiled at the Katara but it wasn't a friendly smile. It was more of an evil smile.
" What are you doing here!?!" I shouted back at him.
" Well, you see, I ran out of money and I'm gonna have to take yours."
"What no way!!" I replied angrily back.
" Well then, I'll just bring in something more, intimidating..." Jet pulled out 2 swords and pulled Katara behind the wall so nobody could see. He then raised the sword in the air and was preparing to strike. Katara knew what was going to happen and she braced for impact.....but nothing came. A person had jumped in front of Katara and stopped the swords from coming down.
" You know, it's not nice to pull swords out on a girl" The person said in a joking voice.
Jet shouted out at the boy.
" Oh Yeah, Who do you think you are, little boy?"
The figure pushed Jet back from Katara before saying,
" Little?? I'm taller than you!!"
Jet ran at the person but he simply ducked under and let out a punch directly aimed at his jaw. The impact and power knocked Jet back caught him by surprise. The person then launched a great kick in the side, sending Jet soaring like an airplane in the direction of the kick. Jet hit a tree and was knocked out cold.
" Are you okay?" Said the boy, reaching out his hand to Katara. She blushed before holding the boys hand. It felt soft and warm she thought.
Katara - " Yeah, I'm fine. Wait a minute... your the guy from before!
Aang - " Yep, your boyfriend threw a rock at me."
Katara - " He's not my boyfriend, he's my brother." She said in a mater-of-factly way. 
Aang - " Oh, okay" Aang was trying to hide his excitement.
Aang - " Who was that?"
Katara - " That is Jet, he used to bully me when I was 7 years old."
Aang - " It must have been rough huh"
Katara - " Yeah, it was." Nobody had ever cared about her this way before she thought to herself.
Aang - " Ummm, What is your name?"
Katara - " Katara"
Aang - " Wow, that's a beautiful name..."
Katara blushed and looked the other way.
Aang - " Umm Katara...
Katara - " Yeah"
Aang - " Your still holding my hand.."
Katara turned as red as a tomato and quickly pulled her had away, looking down. Aang chuckled and then said,
Aang - " Well, we should be going then"
Katara - " Oh yeah, definitely"
Aang walked through the gates and saw that people were going inside.
" Well, see you around" Aang said before running inside. Katara was still blushing, but snapped out of it when she heard her name. Sokka had been calling her name and she joined him. They both went inside to start the day,
" This is going to be a good day, I can feel it" She thought before entering the school.....

' Well, I know it's not much and it might not be the best but I think I did good. There will be a lot more chapters on this but I am busy with school so don't expect a lot. Thanks for reading and enjoy your rest of the day.'

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