The Secret Is Out

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" Hey guys, I'm back for another part and this one is probably gonna be the longest so brace yourself and enjoy - I don't own Avatar or the characters"

No one's POV

All eyes were on Aang and the guard. Even the teachers had come and they stared at Aang. Katara, Sokka, Suki, and Toph all stared at Aang as well. The whole school was silent. Aang could tell the guard was serious and worried.
A - " Whats wrong? What happened to the Air benders?" I asked calmly, but I was extremely worried, I was dying on the inside.
G - "Well, recently Fire Lord Ozai planned an attack...."
A - " So, What does this have to do with the Air benders?" I was getting even more worried now, I could feel my voice cracking....and my anger rising..
G - "Every Air's better if I show you...." He handed Aang a letter. Why was this so hard? He thought. Aang cautiously grabbed the letter, and opened it, realising it was from Monk Gyatso.

Dear Aang,

I know what your feeling, your confused, scared, sad....but I know the real you...and the REAL Aang I know, would be optimistic, upbeat. Fire Lord Ozai is attacking us, but by the time you read this letter, it will be to late. Aang, you have been like a son to me, and I hope you think of me as a father, but, the truth is, when you were born, I felt something..special inside you....and from that point onward I knew you were special. And now, I know you are..... don't try and look for anymore Air Benders, because, well there are no more.....................Goodbye Aang, the Last Air bender.

From your loving father and mentor,
Monk Gyatso..

Aang's POV

I didn't know what to feel......anger, hatred, sadness........I could feel tears gushing out of my eyes. I couldn't believe it.....I was the last one. Everyone in the school went quite, the rest of the group looked at the letter and then at me. I looked at Katara and she looked at me, but it wasn't her usual happy look, she was crying as well.
Guard - " I am soooo sorry..." he tried to calm me down, but, it wasn't working. I was crying even more now, the world was like a blur......I didn't care that everyone was watching me, I didn't care, that the teachers were trying to calm me down....I just didn't care..........then....
Something coursed inside me.
Something powerful.
I didn't know what it was, my emotions and pain were too much.

I closed my eyes.
Something took control over me.
My tattoos were glowing.
I felt my consciousness leave me.
I opened my eyes with RAGE AND PAIN.
My eyes were glowing like the sun.

The group didn't know what what happening but Sokka took control and told every to stay back, even though he was in control, he couldn't help but become confused and scared. Katara looked at Aang, with worry in her eyes. What was happening?

I raised my head, revealing my tattoos on the back.
I let out a HUGE gust of wind, knocking the guard out of the way.

People were scared, Who was this boy? The teachers were next to the students, also worrying and looking at me.

I was so angry, my hands lit on fire....
The fire burnt my jacket that was hiding my tattoos, everyone could now clearly see the horror.....
I burst into flames as I SCREAMED as loud as I could, all the past Avatars screaming with me.


My voice echoed around the Earth...
Chunks of rock ripped out of the ground, circling around me.....
The ocean, RAGED AND ROARED, releasing a wave that towered over the school....
Fire coursed through my veins as I let out a roar that could've been mistaken for a dragon....lava erupting from the ground...

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