Truth Or Dare

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' Hey guys!! Welcome back to the story, this is gonna be another long story so get ready and enjoy, plus the last chapter I did took 4 hours so don't expect a lot so soon.'

Aang's POV

" How about this place," I asked to the others, pointing to a place called The Jasmine Dragon.
Sokka - " Hmmmm, it doesn't have meat though," Sokka replied, while making a depressed face.
Katara - " Well, it doesn't look tooo bad...and besides, Aang is a vegetarian and the only thing he could buy is a salad so tea doesn't sound so bad,"
Toph - " Sugar-queen is right you know, my parents always taught me to drink like a 'proper girl' and I mostly practised with tea. It's not so bad."
Sokka - " Ugghh, fine, we'll go to your STUPID tea shop to drink your STUPID tea and sit around like STUPID people." Sokka replied rather angrily.
Aang - " Great!!" I said, with a smile on my face, ignoring Sokka's obvious anger. We all went in too the shop and sat down at a table in the far top right. The room itself was pretty big for a tea shop, it had a kitchen in the right and had only a few people inside - It was   9:50 so I didn't blame them. We all started arguing with Sokka because he was still annoyed that we chose a tea shop instead of meat but the conversation was soon over as we heard a voice next to us.
??? - " After you guys stop arguing, could you tell me what you want." The person said with a small smile on his face. He had hair that just touched his eyes and had a lean body. But his most notable feature was the red scar on his left eye.
Everyone apart from me - " ZUKO!!" The gang cried as the all hugged him. I stayed sitting down, confused at who this was.
Zuko - " Who's the new guy?" He asked, noticing the teen in the corner.
Sokka - " This, is Aang, Aang, meet Zuko,"
Zuko - " Nice to meet you Aang, Huh, that name rings a bell." Zuko added, scratching his chin and looking at Aang curiously.
Aang - " I could say the same to you" I replied back smiling. Where had I heard that name before? I thought to myself as everyone else sat back down.
There was a small awkward silence before Zuko broke it by asking,
Zuko - " So what do you want to order?"
Sokka - " I'll grab your meaty-est tea.
Suki - " I'll take.....the sweet honey tea." Suki asked after glancing down the menu.
Katara - " I'll have......hmm....the Jasmine tea.
Aang - " Really?!? I was about to ask for that one too!"
Zuko - " that's meaty tea, honey tea and 2 Jasmine tea...right?"
Everyone- " Yep."
After a few minutes Zuko came back with the tea and left to make orders for some other people. We were all talking about what was going to happen with the school since I accidentally tore half of it apart. I was secretly hoping that there was still school since it was the only thing I could do that was fun in my spare time, but I didn't get my hopes up.

* 14 minutes later *

We all walked out of the tea shop. Zuko coming with us since he had a break.
Aang - " Well, now is the time to tell you everything huh..." I told them in a serious voice. Everyone agreed and we walked to the edge of a cliff, so no body could hear us. This was it, the moment I had been dreading, the truth. I started explaining everything, from me being born, to right now. I explained that I was the Avatar. I was surprised when they didn't interrupt me during my conversation, nobody had ever listed to me THAT much before. The minutes turn into late hours and I still wasn't done. I also explained my trip to the spirit world while I was out cold. The story sounded like it was coming out of a fairy tale, but they still didn't interrupt, even Sokka didn't say anything. It was well past midnight before I had finished the story and everyone was speechless. I knew it. They would treat me differently now. They would act like I was a God. I turned away and felt a tear down my eye.
A - " I'" That was all I could muster before breaking down into tears. The gang was still shocked but they came and hugged me anyway! All I heard was Suki saying that it was okay and I felt my tears start to rush out of my eyes even more. NO ONE had ever cared this much about me, not even Monk Gyatso! I hugged them back and saw that they were crying as well.... even Zuko was hugging me. The sun was rising and the sky turned a beautiful orange and red combination. We all still sat their hugging each other like it was the last time they would see me.....

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