Fire Bending Class

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(Play the music above when you get to the fighting bit, there are 2 in total)

Wassup guys!!!! So sorry for the wait. This is the last part/class so after this we are going to delve deep into Kataang and I can't wait. Another shoutout too everyone who commented in the previous chapter, it makes my heart warm every time I see them. And thanks for everything!

Again, so sorry for the wait but I've been very busy with life right now and I need a rest. I also have a lot of school work. I am trying to give you guys good chapters on this story because I love it and I plan on making a LOT of chapters on it so don't worry. Thanks for understanding! Now, without further ado, LETS GO!'

(This is going to be a long chapter so tell me if you like them or not. If you don't, I'll start making shorter ones.)


This Chapter is soooo Fu*king long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure if it was Really worth it...buuuuuuut enjoy it anyway!

❤  Love you guys!!! ❤

Aang's POV

I left the stadium, feeling like I had accomplished something. And, I had. Only a few minutes ago I had found out that I could ACTUALLY earth bend. Inside I was feeling much happier, but right now, all the bones in my body were aching in defeat. My clothes were slightly scuffed and filthy, but there was nothing I could do about it. Everyone was seemingly at fire bending class so I seized my bag and ran at air bending speed, causing people to give me peculiar and confused looks.
I glimpsed at the time as I raced past classrooms and people. Fire bending class was starting. I wonder if Katara's going to be in the same class as thoughts carried me over to the next building. The Fire bending building. I was running even faster now, my clothes flying behind me, not noticing a girl right in front of me when I felt a sudden jolt in my shoulder. I looked behind me to see someone topple over. It was that same girl.
" Sorry!"
I cried out while grimacing in pain at my shoulder. I continued running and quickly shot a glance over in the person's direction. She had amber eyes and jet black hair. She reminded me of someone. She was wearing rich fire nation clothes and I couldn't help but feel threatened by her. Only a little though. The person shot a death stare at me before raising her middle finger.

What was her problem?!?

I ignored it and turned away, speeding past people like a blur. I soon saw the classroom and reluctantly burst open the door. I would be very lucky if the teacher wasn't here. People stared at me as I burst into the room, and I looked down a bit, I had just realized that I looked really messed up. My clothes, which were brand new in the morning, were now scruffy and dirty. I had some bruises, mainly on my head, but I had covered them up with a beanie. My knees were also bleeding a little but that was fine, I could take the pain for now. Most areas of my clothes were damp, probably because of Water Bending class. And the fact I was sweating so much. I saw Katara looking at me with her hand on her chin and for a split-second, I thought I saw her eyes light up in joy. I decided to brush it off as she signaled me to sit in the empty seat next to her. I half smiled at her, hoping that no one would notice, and slowly made my way over. She smiled back, thankfully, otherwise, this would be a lot more awkward.

Things were going better than expected!

" Avatar Aang!!" A voice exclaimed out from the front of the class.

I had to say that...

I peered over toward the voice and saw a VERY annoyed man glaring at me. His eyebrows were raised and his hands were on his desk.
" Why are you late!!"
A - " I got held back at Earth bending class and...." I quietly trailed off. The man looked at me with a questionable expression.
??? - " Well then, I will let you have this for now, but next time, it'll be detention and extra fire bending."

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