Earth Bending Class

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' Hey!! I just want to say a big thanks to everyone who has watched and commented on this series, and I can't believe we got to a total of 300 views!!! You guys are amazing!! As a treat I'll give you an EVEN longer chapter today so I hope you enjoy!!Anyway, Welcome back guys, there is going to be another class after this and then we'll focus a lot more on Kataang, I just needed to get the basic story line and what the characters do at lessons so I don't have to explain it. Hope you guys like this because it's going to be a long one. This chapter won't be that of Kataang because it will focus on Toph's backstory. See you all later!!'

Toph's POV

We had all left to eat lunch after waiting for Twinkle-Toes to finish splashing in his magic water. I personally thought earth bending is much more useful than water bending for lots of reasons but if I said it out loud, I would probably start a riot. I was following them when I noticed, or rather felt, that someone was missing. Katara had stayed back to talk to Aang. I was honestly surprised when I found out that they weren't dating, I really thought the kiss would work. Their heartbeats when they are together are seriously annoying so I thought the dare would help them. But noooooo, their heartbeats are much faster now. I lingered back for a moment, hoping to talk to Katara since she was probably my closest friend in the group, she was the one who talked and reassured me when I found out that my parents were making me not take Earth bending class anymore. She was like my REAL mother. Of course I secretly still did Earth bending, but it still was annoying nonetheless. They said it was, " Too dangerous for a fragile little girl like me". God, I wish they would just leave me alone. They didn't believe in me like my friends did.
I was beginning to walk back to the rest of the group since I didn't feel Katara's footsteps anywhere, when I felt a hard nudge on my shoulder, causing me to stumble in surprise, nearly falling over. That happened a lot. People would bump into me and I would bump into them. It was starting to get old. I looked over at the guy who pushed me and gave him a glare while angrily saying back to him,
" What the heck?!?" I didn't know the if the guy was scared or annoyed. However, that answer soon came as I heard him talk back,
" Me?!? Why don't you watch where your going!!" The guy angrily stood back up, looked at me. I assumed he was giving me a hard stare, given the way his body language was, but I couldn't tell.
I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was annoyed. I heard him approach me and pushed him back with a simple flick of my finger using Earth bending. He flopped on the floor and looked at me with fear, I presume, and he quickly got back up, running away like his life depended on it. I chuckled a bit before noticing familiar footsteps running at my direction. It was Katara. She noticed me first and began to walk with me, slowing down as she got nearer.
K - " Hey Toph," She said, stopping next to me, confused as to why I was way behind the others.
T - " Hey Sugar-Queen. Can we talk for a second..." I said at her, with a slightly worried voice. Katara looked at me with a curious face, of course I didn't know that, and told me yes. I led her to an empty classroom and made and bench from the Earth. Katara found a chair and sat down, slightly worried.
T- " know last night, when I asked you to kiss Twinkle-Toes...." I looked at her and could tell she was blushing, you could practically feel her face going red.
K - " could I forget...." She stuttered, fidgeting with her fingers.
I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not and rolled my eyes at the thought.


T - " Well....Suki, I think, asked me to ask the guy I like out...and...." I trailed of as I ended the sentence. I never did that! I could tell Sugar-Queen was smirking at me and quickly gave her a small glare.
K - " Yeah....what about it," She said, still smirking at me.


I gave her another glare before replying,
T - " Well, I did ask him out.....his name is....Kanto." I looked at Katara and could tell she was getting more excited. She didn't say anything so I carried on, though I could pick up her heartbeat.
T - " Well, I don't know what to do during the date....he asked me if I wanted to go to the Jasmine Dragon. I obviously said yes but.......what should I do......what if he....why would he....." I began rambling, forgetting that Katara was still here. I was lost in my thoughts. God, what was I thinking. Katara could tell I was nervous and put her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. Calming me down.
K - " Well, you'll just have to find out. I've never been on a date, so I wouldn't know what to do, but I know that it's probably nervous for you. Just be yourself is the only advice I could give you. It's easy,"
T - " I know but my parents don't think that. They think I'm a completely different person. What happens when I have to introduce him to my parents. He's not exactly the most formal guy..."
Katara looked at me and the grabbed my arm, pulling me over to the door.
K - " Well, there's only one way to find out....," she said while we ran over to the rest. I smiled, I could tell Katara wasn't lying and that made me like her even more. She was the most amazing friend ever, she always knew how to calm people down. Sokka was the complete opposite, I thought, chuckling to myself.
T - " Well, if it's so easy why can't you ask Aang out?" I said in the same tone as Katara. As usual, she blushed a lot before rambling random words and looking away in embarrassment. I chuckled once again and carried on walking.
But just as we were leaving to go to the gang, a voice interrupted us.

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