Home Sweet Home

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'Whatssup my gang! I hope you all are doing amazing and are ready to read this chapter. This is basically a fill-in so not that much Kataang but the next chapters are gonna get good!
Again, sorry for the delay but I have school and especially with Covid around so I am so sorry. Anyway, I just want to mention that you guys are the best. This story is doing well and I appreciate it a lot. 

Thank you so much and have a great rest of the day! - or night because I know you people are up at like 3 AM reading this -

Well, without further ado, let's go!'

Katara's POV

There was way only one way to describe what just happened.
The fight had lasted at least 15 minutes so it was the longest sparring match we had ever seen at our school. Which, when we found out about this, was a huge surprise. It was honestly one of the best fights in my opinion. It definitely wasn't just because Aang was in it. Noooooooo..... that's not it. Anyway, it kinda hurt seeing Aang get beaten mercilessly. He had endured quite a lot of damage for a 16-year-old. But, something was off about that fight. Aang looked almost... dazed or...
Extremely exhausted.
I mean, who wouldn't be? He was just a kid and he had experienced traumatic life events that would kill adults. But, he pushed through it. He pushed down the wall that was holding him back with a smile on his face. I gotta admit, that's pretty impressive.
Even though it's eating him on the inside, he still stands up and faces his life headfirst, without any protection...

Alright, so I'll admit, he is pretty stubborn. But that's one of the things I like about him. He trusts himself and the people around him an-

My thoughts were disrupted (Again) as I felt a hand clasp my shoulder, making me spin around. I saw a familiar face glancing anxiously at me and I soon realized, that it was Suki. She seemed to have read my thoughts because before I knew it, she had dragged me to the back of the class. Master Jeong Jeong was speaking about the recent fight, explaining that they were the best of the group. He was VERY surprised at the fight, and, honestly... so was I. Aang was too into his own thoughts to concentrate properly, and that had caused him to lose. I knew he would have a disadvantage, but I didn't think Zuko would beat the living daylights out of him! The class had ended and Suki was jabbering non-stop; However, I was too caught up in my own thoughts to notice. My eyes were squinting, which is what I usually do when I think really hard, but this time, they were practically shut. Suki had finally realized that I wasn't listening, and stood awkwardly next to me, trying to say something. Eventually, she gave up, and instead called Sokka.

Wow, thanks a lot, Suki!

I tried my best to listen to Suki and Sokka unknowingly flirt with each other, but, I ultimately decided to leave them be. I stumbled out of the hallway, bumping shoulders with other people passing by, and began to make my way over to the car park. As soon as I left, I was immediately greeted with a refreshing summer breeze, which made my hair sway to the side a bit. The sudden rush of coolness had startled me a bit, seeing as it wasn't supposed to be windy today. Nevertheless, It felt relaxing, finally being out of school after a few hours. I let out a small breath I didn't know I was holding and meandered over to Sokka's car. Another rush of wind had hit my side and I smiled, pink tinting my cheeks. It actually reminded me of Aang. Calm and gentle, but sudden and refreshing in a way. He was as silent as the clouds, so much so that he could probably pop out of nowhere and still be undetected. He was also an air-bender, so that connected him to the sky even more. His eyes fit the perfect shade of grey the clouds were, and the soothing winds acted like he was here. I clenched the books I was holding deeper into my chest and put a strand of hair behind my ear. I finally looked up from the ground and noticed an ocean blue Audi with the words,

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