1 | Tests and Puzzles

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A man in all black with a black mask holding a big gun comes into the room making me curl up in the corner. "Grab her." He says making another one walk over picking me up. "You're going somewhere safe." He tell me as he runs out while I pass out. I wake up in a hospital bed as a woman walks into the room causing me to stare at her. "Hello sweetheart. I'm Dr. Mary Cooper. What's your name and how old are you?" She smiles but I still don't talk. "It's okay. You're safe here. I'm just going to run some tests on you to make sure you are all healthy." She gets takes things out as I watch her closely. "Madison, 5." I tell her my name which makes her smile. "I heard they found you all alone." She takes out a needle and I nod my head.

"Why were you all alone?" She takes my arm putting the needle in my arm. "Sarah, Chris, Lisa, and Scott left me alone while they went out. Two days passed before those men showed up taking me. Now I'm here." I say looking at my arm then at her. "Who are Sarah, Chris, Lisa, and Scott to you?" She asks me. "They took me after a group took my sister Deedee away from me. My brother Rickey abandoned us after me and Deedee got hit by a dart that killed a lot of people including my mom and dad." I explain to her. "You remember a lot for a five year old." She tilts her head looking at me but I just shrug my shoulders then get sleepy.

It's been two days since I was brought to the facility and every morning Dr. Mary Cooper comes in and run some tests on me. She was really nice compared to other Doctors and people that have come in and talked to me. "Amelia good afternoon." Another woman walks in with a man confusing me. "My name is Madison." I look around the room still seeing I was the only kid in the room. "Not anymore honey. You're new name is Amelia. Named after Amelia Earhart." The woman smiles at me. "But my name is Madison." I shake my head at them. "Amelia, is your name now. Madison is dead. Now Amelia as punishment for not accepting your name... No lunch." They leave the room. "IT'S MADISON!" I scream at them.

Later at night Dr. Cooper comes in with some puzzles. "Just to pass some time." She smiles at me. "My name is Madison not Amelia." I glare at her and she sighs. "Sweetheart, the new name is to keep you safe." She tells me but I shake my head. "Madison." I cross my arms sitting on my bed as she puts the puzzles in front of me before leaving. I look through the puzzles and see a maze one where you try to get from start to end. I take one of my crayons and quickly finish it with no hesitation before getting off the bed going over to a seat with one of the puzzles to start on.

More days pass and they still keep calling me Amelia but I never answer to that name. It's always the same thing everyday run some tests on me and bringing me more puzzles that's gets slightly harder but not to me. "Amelia. We have some more test for you." Randall comes into my room but I ignore him. "Amelia, I'm not going to play around with you." He crosses his arms as I glance up from my puzzle. "That's not my name." I focus on the puzzle. "Yes it is." He marches up to me grabbing my arm giving me a shot hurting me then I pass out.

I wake up crying caused by excruciating pain and see I'm strapped with leather to the chair. Randall was in front of me with a button. "Amelia." He says making me correct him and Randall presses the button. This happens several times, after four waves of pain, I get used to the torture's never-ending pain but decided to fake accepting my new name. "I don't believe you." He presses the button, causing more and more pain. Randall then continuously asks me what my name. Giving up hope, I respond with Amelia accepting my new name. Randall administers a final wave of torture to remind me that he can always inject a new stimulator if I even mention my old name.

From all the pain I end up sleeping the rest of the day till the next morning. Dr. Cooper comes in with Randall to take me to go get more test. "Madison, come on." Randall says but I don't respond to that name anymore. "Amelia, we only had to run three test today." Mary says and I get up following them out of the room to meet a new Doctor Ava Paige. As we were leave they take me to a different room where I see a boy my age sitting at a desk with puzzles. "Thomas, this is Amelia." Dr. Paige says making him look over at us. "Why don't you two get to know each other." She leaves us. "Hi." I walk over taking a seat in front of him. "Hi." He put his hand out and I shake it.

Thomas and I got to see each other every other month till it stopped because I started to misbehave when I got tired of them running test on me everyday. They only let me see this one girl who ended up being Deedee but her new name was Teresa. They also let us see each like they did with me and Thomas but stopped that too after I bit a doctor badly making him bleed. Throughout the course of several years, I spend much of my time attending advanced classes with different teachers. At some point I was told Mary left Wicked so I had no one that was nice to me anymore. Today I got put in a room and waited for them to come and get me. As I waited this one boy, who was asian, was fighting some nurses passing the window. He starts to yell a warning about what they were going to do.

After getting my implant Dr. Paige wanted to talk to me. I was sat at a table in a interrogation like room with her. "Hello Amelia." She smiles at me. "Hello." I eye her. "I wanna know how you are feeling about everything?" She asks me. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "I have an offer for you. I wanna know if you want help design a maze with a few other selected kids. Over the years watching you do the puzzles you have a gift. Even saw you draw one up yourself. It looked a little challenging." She pulls it out showing me. "The ones you kept giving me were easy to me. I wanted a challenge." I tell her the truth. "You want a challenge? Then designing a maze for me will be great for you." I read her eyes.

"What's the maze for?" I ask her. "We wanna put some kids to the test. Our vision is to have a group of kids live together and see if they can survive and find a way out of a maze surrounding them. I think you could help us with that." She smiles but that word test. "No thank you. I'm tired of your stupid tests so there's no way I'm helping." She sighs looking at the camera then nods her head. A man comes in dragging me out of the room taking me back to mine.

Next few days I'm punished and pricked at even more before they tell me I'm getting relocated to another room. I'm moved somewhere new where I hear more kids in rooms down the hall. I'm walked into one and see three boys; One was a dark skin boy, one was a skinny boy, and the last one was the asian boy who got sedated a few days ago. "This is where you will be staying from now on." The man leaves me with them. "Hello, I'm Amelia." I introduced myself and they look at each other then at me. "I'm Ably." The darker skin boy walks towards me with a smile. "I'm Newt." The skinny boy walks up too. "And I'm Minho." The last one walks up.

"I thought all the girls got moved to Group B?" Newt looks at me confused. "There's others girls? I've only seen my sister a few times in the past but she's not in a group." I speak up. "My sister is in Group B and I haven't seen her since I got put in Group A with theses guys. I'm guess you are in Group A now too." Newt explains to me. "If so she's the first girl in this group before we were all boys." Minho speaks up but I just shrug my shoulders. "Well I guess we're all roommates now. I find it nice, I've been in a room by myself for five years." I tell them before we all get to know each other.

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