6 | Survived A Night 

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During the day while we were working we hear yelling coming from Thomas

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During the day while we were working we hear yelling coming from Thomas. "HELP!" We see Ben chasing him so we all quickly run over. Newt hits Ben on the help with a shovel knocking him off of Thomas making him and other hold him down. As Alby walks up Ben begs saying no so they lift his shirt to show he was stung. "He's been stung." Gally says as I bend down to them. "In the middle of the day?" I ask worried. "Help me please. Please. Please, just help." Ben cries to us. Alby tells us to take him to the pit so more help us pick him up. "Calm down, Ben." I tell him as we all struggle with him as we walk.

"He did this!" He yells as we continue to the pit. Once we get him locked in the pit, some of the guys start to walk away. "Please, he did this. It's his fault." Ben cries as Gally and me watch him. "Why all of a sudden during the day?" I turn my head to look at Gally. "I have no clue." He looks at me before walking off leaving me alone with Ben. "Amelia, he did this to us. I saw him." Ben cries to me and I back away, "I'm sorry, Ben." He starts to cry more.

As it got time for the doors to close we all watch as they banish Ben

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As it got time for the doors to close we all watch as they banish Ben. Chuck and I were standing next to each other before Thomas joined us. I place my hand on Chuck's back, "Go head back." I tell him and he turns to leave as they get ready to push Ben in the maze. It hurts me listening to Ben yell and beg for them to listen to him. "He belongs to the maze now." Alby tells Thomas as we all look at Alby. "There was nothing we could do for him. It's the only way. Trust me, if there was I would have helped him. He was a good friend of mine." I speak up to Thomas as the boys walk away. "He said-," I cut him off, "It's your fault. I know, I heard him." We both just look at each other.

When it was dark out I watch them cross out Ben's name from my hammock. "Wicked is good. She's right Amelia, it's for the best. I promise you will be okay. I'll keep you safe." I hear a boy's voice as I gasp for air as I drown. "Tho..., Ter...., it's time to go." A woman says as everything that was blurry goes black. Once again I wake up gasping for air sitting up quickly. "I was just coming to wake you up. Alby agreed to let you come run with us. I could use your help." Minho walks up to me and I nod my head, "Yeah." I grab my things and head off with him and Alby to the doors with Newt. "You sure it's safe for her to go with you both?" Newt asks them. "If something happens she can run." Alby tells him. "I'll be fine, Newt." I tell him before the three of us go to retrace Ben's steps.

While we were tracing Ben's steps, Alby slightly went off from Minho and me. "Why did you wake up gasping for air?" He asks as we jog. "Bad dream... I think. It's the second day I woke up like that." I explain to him before we start to hear something behind us. "He's been stung." I say seeing how Alby was acting. "Alby." I tell him as he charges at us. Minho ended up hitting him in the head knocking him out. "We can't leave him in here, it's Alby, Minho." I look down at him. "I KNOW! HELP ME!" He shouts and we pick Alby up wrapping each of his arm around us. "Minho, we have to go faster. We won't make it to the door!" I say as we struggle to go fast with Alby's limp body.

As we get closer to the doors we are having a harder time getting tired

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As we get closer to the doors we are having a harder time getting tired. "Come on!" I groan as we get in view of the door and see it closing. We could hear the yelling but we were to busy to even listen to what they where yelling. "Put him down and grab a leg." Minho tells me and I do what he said. We each grab a leg and run dragging him yelling while trying to run to the door. As the doors close Thomas makes it to us as we fall to the ground tired. "Good job. You just killed yourself." Minho tells Thomas. "Wait, wh-what?" Thomas asks as we try to catch our breath. "What happened to him?" Thomas goes over to Alby. "What does it look like? He got stung." I lay my head against the wall. "What happened to his head?" Thomas continues to ask questions. "I did what I had to do." Minho tells him before we hear screeching.

"Uh, okay, all right help me get him up." Thomas asks as me and Minho get up, but he tells Thomas we have to go because the Maze is already changing. "We can't just leave him here." Thomas tells him. "Minho, Thomas is right. I'm this is Alby." I tell him refusing to leave him there. The both of them grab him and I follow behind them. "This isn't going to work we gotta go. We gotta go." Minho gets up leaving us. They start to argue about where to hide Alby. "The vines. We can put him up there." I say staring at the wall in front of us and that's what we do. Even with the three of us it was hard to pull Alby up on the wall. "We got to go now." I see what Minho saw and it was a Griever. "Just a little more." I tell him. "I'm sorry Greenie." Minho runs off grabbing my arm dragging me with him. "No! We have to help Thomas and Alby!" I shout as Minho continues to drag me. "We need to run!" He tells me so I run off with him but want to go back.

As we run Minho starts to yell at me as I run to the sounds

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As we run Minho starts to yell at me as I run to the sounds. "I'm not going to leave him to die!" I yell running as fast as I could. "Why do you have to be this way!" He shouts following me. "Thomas." I say running into him. "You're a crazy son of a bitch. Okay, come on, follow me! Come on!" Minho grabs Thomas and we follow him. "It's changing. Come on." I say figuring out where Minho was leading us so I take the lead. "Thomas! What are you doing?" I yell seeing him still standing there as the walls start to close. "Come on Thomas don't look back!" Minho yells at him as Thomas lead the Griever to its death. "Run! THOMAS!" I scream as the walls closes and Thomas makes it to us. "You killed a Griever. Oh my god." I look at him. "Am I the first?" He asks trying to catch his breath. "Yes, and I just realized we can survive a night in the maze." I say surprised. "The night isn't over yet." Minho jogs ahead of us and we follow.

As the sun started to come up we make it back to Alby and get him down so we can head back to the Glade. I help the two of them walk Alby's limp body by holding up Thomas's body too so I could help hold his weight. As we make it to the doors the boys started to cheer for us. They help lay Alby down and start to ask us questions. "You saw a Griever?" Chuck asks and Thomas says yes. "He didn't just see it. He killed it." I breathe heavy sitting down on the ground. "We gotta get him to the med-jack hut. Amelia, rest." Clint says and I lay back on the dirt tired. "I'm fine, don't worry." I let them all know as I close my eyes and they walk Alby away. "Thanks for not wanting to leave me, Amelia." I hear Thomas's voice so I open my eyes to see him looking down at me with a hand out. I take it and he pulls me to stand up, "Sorry Minho dragged me away. I wanted to help. Hints why we ended up going back for you. I wasn't going to leave you alone."

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