12 | The Scorch

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Winston calls us over to see that someone else has been down her so we carefully walk around. We see some left over things that are useful and put together people used to live here. "Let's pack some of the stuff up. Anything you think you might need. We'll split up, see what else we can find. Meet back here." Thomas tells us. I slowly look around with the flashlight I picked up. I grab a bag and put some things that's seemed useful or just things I thought I could just use. "There's some clothes over here, Amelia." Teresa calls me over and I pick out some clothes. "I remember you being my sister. They did something to me." She tells me as we change into the other clothes. "That's great you and Thomas remember but I don't remember my own sister. I believe it but I can't say I remember having a sister." I sigh pulling my top down over my head the see Fry watching us.

" I sigh pulling my top down over my head the see Fry watching us

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"To be honest, I don't think you want to remember." She just looks at me. "Then it's a good thing that I don't wanna remember for different reasons. I'm the person I am because I don't remember anything." I tell her going to join the others. "Perv." I laugh walking up to Newt and Fry. "What?" He asks. "I saw you looking." I laugh at him. "Can you blame me?" He just laughs making me laugh too as I hit his arm. "This is why I hate boys." I laugh patting his back then walk away with Newt some. "What did you talk about." He asks looking over at Teresa. "Just that they did something to her and she remembers me, her sister... and that apparently I wouldn't want to remember her." I tell him as lights come on and we all then get together.

"Hey! Run!" We hear then see Thomas and Minho running followed by more people

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"Hey! Run!" We hear then see Thomas and Minho running followed by more people. "Shit." We start to run too as they get closer. We slightly get spilt from Thomas and Teresa so we have to met them around. We start to run up the escalators but I stop as I see cranks got a hold of Jack. "Jack!" I rush back down with Fry as he holds on to the side of the escalator. We each grab one of his arms but a crank jumps in him taking him down. "NO!" We both yell as more cranks come making Minho and Winston tells us we have to go.

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