14 | The Right Arm

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"You sure this is the place?" Thomas asks her. "You here for the party?" A woman walks up to us. Brenda tells her no and that we are looking for Marcus. "This is my place." A man says. "Are you Marcus?" Thomas asks him. "Marcus doesn't live here anymore." He tells us. "Do you know where we can find him?" I ask the man. "Sure, sure. He's over in Zone B." He tells us then the woman's says that's where they burn bodies. "Okay, look, has anyone else been by here looking for him? Group of kids around our age? They had a girl with them. Dark hair." Thomas walks up to him. "You know, uh... I think they might be inside. Here. Drink this." He takes out a drink saying we have to drink it to get in.

They make me and Thomas drink a lot before pushing the three of us inside. Inside people where acting very freely and I wasn't feeling like myself. Brenda suggested splitting up to look for the others but I had a feeling they weren't here. "Thomas." I say as he walks off from me and I didn't want to be alone. "Tommy." I say seeing the room get blurry so I lean against the wall. "Hey." A guy walks up to me and I rush away not wanting to be alone but he follows me. "No." I turn seeing Gally get impaled by a spear. Again I cover my mouth and start to cry then look to my left to see Chuck laying down in the floor. "Millie?" I turn around and see Newt as a crank making me yell then fall to the floor passing out.

"Teresa! Please don't let them take me! Thomas!" I scream while kicking my legs getting dragged out of the room

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"Teresa! Please don't let them take me! Thomas!" I scream while kicking my legs getting dragged out of the room. "Amelia! You said you wouldn't take her!" Thomas yells as Teresa just stands still watching. "Tommy! No!" I jerk my body around. "She's too much of a risk and that's not a good thing. She has to go in with the boys to test her." Ava tells Thomas who was the only one trying to help me. "Teresa, please! I'm you're sister! We only have each other!" I cry as the tie me to a table. "Amelia, prove to us that you can survive." Ava says  leaving the room with me as I'm rolled out.

"Hey, hey. You okay?" Newt asks holding my hand as I wake up and Minho rubs my head. "You passed out after screaming seeing Newt." Minho helps me sit up and I wrap my arms around the both of them. "We're just glad you are okay." Newt smiles at me. "Yeah, we were worried when you didn't follow behind Teresa." Fry adds making me look over at her as I stand up to see her with Thomas who was still out. "What did you see?" Newt asks me I stand next to him as he sat on the arm of the chair Aris was sitting in. "Umm hallucinating Chuck and Gally's death and you as a crank." I tell him making pull me to his side as Minho went to go see Thomas waking up.

"I'm sorry... You're going to have to leave my house." The man tells Jorge. "Listen. I don't enjoy hurting you. Okay? Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?" He asks him making Thomas ask that's Marcus. Jorge tries to get Marcus to talk but he said he makes his own deals. "I'm talking about supply and demand. Wicked wants all the Immunes they can get. I help provide that for them. So I lure the kids in... they get drunk, they have a good time. And then, later. Wicked comes in... They separate the wheat from the chaff." Marcus laughs making Jorge hurt him more so he can talk more.

We all end up getting in Bertha and I was sitting between Minho and Aris while Newt was in the front with Jorge and the rest in the back

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We all end up getting in Bertha and I was sitting between Minho and Aris while Newt was in the front with Jorge and the rest in the back. We go as far as we can with the vehicle then all get out. "Well, I guess we're on foot." Jorge says so we all begin to walk. "Get down." He yells when we start to get shot it. "Take cover!" Newt yells making him and Minho grab me getting behind a car. "Hey, is everyone okay out there?" Thomas asks us. "We're fine." Teresa shouts. "Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt shouts. "Up in the mountains. Sniping." I say making myself small between him and Minho. "Everybody. Hey set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" Jorge tells us but we don't as we hear girls shouting at them. They get all of us to get into a big group so we put our hands up.

"Aris?" One of the girls puts down her gun saying his name so we look at him. "Oh, my god. Harriet?" He says as she shows her face. "My god. What the hell are you doing here?" She hugs him. "Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass." The other girl hugs him. "Uh what's happening?" Minho asks. "We were in the maze together." Aris tells us. "We're clear, guys! Come on out!" Harriet whistles and we see the people come out then they lead us in. "We're taking them to base." Harriet says. "Wait, so, how did you guys get here?" Aris asks them. "The Right Arm got us out." She tells him. "Wait. Wait. The Right Arm? Do you know where they are?" Thomas asks her. "Hop in." She opens the jeep door.

After some little ways we stop and get out of the cars to a base camp with people. "They've been planning this for over a year now." Harriet says walking us. "You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light." Sonya tells us. "Who's Vince?" Thomas asks. "He's the one who decides if you get to stay." Harriet tells him. "Thought the Right Arm is supposed to be an army." Thomas speaks. "Yeah, we were. This is all that's left of us." A man, who's probably Vince, walks up to us. "Lot of good people died getting us this far. Who are they?" He asks the girls. "They're Immunes. Caught 'em coming up the mountain." Harriet tells him. "Did you check 'em?" He asks. "I know this guy, Aris. I trust him." She points back at her.

Brenda falls down trying to breathe and I remember the bite as they check her making the Right Arm freak. We try to stop him from shooting her then a woman comes out saying she can help. "No, but he can and so can she." She looks at Thomas then me. "Hello Thomas, Amelia." We look at her confused. "You know us?" He asks her. "Interesting. It makes sense they'd put you in the maze. Though I must admit... I was worried they'd kill you after what you did." She talk to Thomas. "What I did?" He asks her. "The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore... watching your friends die, one by one. The last time we spoke... You gave me the coordinates of every Wicked compound, trial and lab." She tells him. "He was our source." Vince looks at him. "We couldn't have pulled all this off without him." She says before telling us to follow her.

"How do you know me though?" I ask her. "Being close with Thomas and before I was fired I was close to you. You were always different when you were younger. First kid they took was you. They found you alone one day and we started testing on you. I heard you always fought back. Even bit a doctors so hard he bled. Thomas told me they threw you in the the boys to see how strong and smart you really are. Wanted to see if you could corrupt the group but didn't which they hated. Thomas here made sure that didn't happen. Every time they tried to get you hurt or stung in there Thomas stopped it. Like I said he was tired of seeing his friends die and didn't wanna see you get hurt." She explains to me.

"Found her alone? Teresa is her sister." Thomas ask confused as he set him up to take his blood. "Yes, but they got spilt up when they were little. You told me that when you were five you got taken by a group while another found your sister. You only reconnected when Wicked found you both. But they kept you to sort of separate as Thomas said because they thought you would talk to Teresa out of things. You and Thomas may have been close but you were closer to three other boys, Newt, Minho, and Alby." She then tells me so I can head back to the others while she gets blood from Thomas to help Brenda.

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