17- quidditch game

Start from the beginning

"That made no since, whatsoever." Remus smiled, "but go best friend!"

She did a small curtesy and grabbed a strawberry, James put an arm around her waist. The smell of strawberries following him. "Say, White. Are you ready to cheer on Gryffindor tonight?"

Ember groaned, "I don't want to."

"It's a rule."

"The rules are stupid."

"Than I'm kissing you right now."

Ember quickly regained herself. "Ooohhh! Quidditch. I love quidditch, quidditch! Wooooh! Go gryffindor!" She whooped. The boys around her laughed.

"Love the enthusiasm Em." Said Remus with a large smile on his face, "I would think you want to kiss James more than you make it seem."

Ember gaped at him, her mouth dropped. James doing the same thing next to her. Ember let words roll off her tongue quickly, "who says I haven't."

Her eyes widened at the words that left her mouth. Her hand flying up to it. James removed his arm from her waist quickly. "W-we have not snogged or kissed or pecked or anything you assholes!"

"Me! Me, I say I haven't kissed him." Ember said straight after James was done. The two were incredibly red. The other boys were laughing loudly, Sirius and Peter both grabbing onto Remus for support. Ember stood up, quickly throwing her robe on. "See you at the quidditch game!"

Ember slipped on the red and gold jumper, bold letters on the back reading out 'POTTER' with 'chaser' not to far under it. She would be meeting with Remus and Peter to go down to the gryffindor stands.

She had never really watched a quidditch game before. Only really doing it when Aries made her and Skylar play with him, he was very persuasive at times. Of course she got the gist of the game.

Remus smiled at her, "Really went all out didn't you Em?"

She grinned a little, "ah yes, the red hair, lipstick, and my boyfriends quidditch jersey." Remus snorted at the emphasis she put on boyfriend.

"Well your boyfriend is playing. He's a pretty good captain. And you'll be his good luck charm." Said Remus suggestively.

She raised an eyebrow, "sure we'll go with that." After doing little finger guns and taking the lead to the stands, she didn't really know where she was going so she had to stop and wait for Remus and Peter.

"And were starting!" Sirius's voice boomed through the pitch. "I am the gorgeous Sirius Black and I will be commenting the brave and smart game tonight."

Ember whistled lowly, Remus and Peter turned to look at her but she just giggled and shrugged.

"And here we have the Gryffindors! The third hottest man alive leading them-"

McGonagall could be heard scolding him, "keep it appropriate Black!"

"Anyway- James Potter, the amazing captain, followed by his two other chasers, the hot Marlene McKinnon and Arrow Crabbe. Then we have the marvelous beaters- which could be me but I'm not complaining- Lace Carns and Leon Carns! Finally our Keeper and Seeker, Alexias Marie and Dorcas Medows!"

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