A bit of what-cha-ma-call-it :P- Chapter four

Start from the beginning

"My boyfriend." Niall said, still whispering just in case Louis could hear what they were saying, "Who is you boyfriend, you've been talking about him, but I don't know a name, and I want a name, now or I will go around hurting every boy in school between you and Louis, both of you are getting hurt." Liam said, "What about your boyfriend, I don't know his name, what if he's hurting you?" Niall said, "No Niall, I'll say his name, if you say your's." Liam said, "Fine, Harry." Niall said with a smirk, "There's twelve Harry's in our grade alone, who knows how many at our school as a whole." Liam complained, "What's your boyfriend's name?" Niall asked, "Josh, he's nice." Liam said, "Josh Devine?" Niall questioned, "Yeah." Liam said, "That kid is a freak." Niall grumbled, "He is not." Liam said, "He come's from a huge family." Niall said, "So, he's still a great guy, and I love him." Liam said, looking back at Niall to see him lip singing to The Who's Baba O''Riley.

"So, he still come's from a huge family, unlike you, you only have one brother, you can't have that much in common." Niall said, "We're here.." Liam said lowly, taking the keys and giving them to Niall, who then puts them in his backpack.

"Hi Abby." Louis said walking over to the five teens, Michael now has green hair, "Nice hair." Louis commented, "Thank you, if only my parents would be okay with it." Michael said, "I think it looks cool, if I died my hair, my family just might disown me." Niall said, "What are we going to disown you for?" Liam asked, walking up to the group of six miss fit teens with Niall following behind like a lost puppy.

"If I died my hair." Niall answered, showing Calum some of the songs he suggested Louis to download yesterday to his iPhone, "You like music don't you?" Calum asked, "Yeah." Louis said, "What do you guys think of Katy Perry's song Dark Horse?" Abby asked, "I guess its okay, I don't like the music video though, dark horses have nothing to do with having magic powers of anything to do with Egypt, it is stupid if you ask me." one of the boys said, Liam could not keep track of who's who."

"Lou, I'm trying to talk to you." Liam said, getting impatient with the group of sixteen year olds, "What do you need?" Louis asks, looking into Liam's eyes for what seemed like the thousandth time this morning, even though it was only the second, "Niall has football today, and I have boxing after school, so please come down to the gym after last bell." Liam said, "Can't I just ride the bus?" Louis asked, "Lou, we already talked about how you aren't aloud to ride the bus." Liam said, soon all of the teens left to go to first class.

"Bye Louis, don't forget, the gym is that way." Abby explained to Louis, "Okay, thank you." Louis said, last bell rung two minutes ago, Abby scurried off to the bus stop where the four boys were waiting for her, "Hey Abs, did you point Louis in the direction of the gym?" Luke asked, "Yeah." Abby said, the five turned to see Louis walking to the gym.

"Ash, are you okay, you've been quiet for a while now, as in, you haven't talked all day." Abby said, Ashton nodded, "Are you sure?" Abby asked, the five of them getting on the bus, and going to the back where they usually sit.

"Mike, it's your stop." Calum said, seeing that Michael zoned out, "Oh thanks." Michael said, making his way to the front of the bus, he lived in the better side of town, as in the same stop as Louis took.

"So.." Calum trailed off, soon the four of them are talking, "Cal, your stop." Luke said, "Thanks." Calum said getting off the bus.

"And then there was three." Abby said in a sing- song voice, "Yeah, except this is my stop." Luke said, also going to the front.

Ten minutes later, "Bye Ashton, see you tomorrow." Abby said, getting off the bus at her stop.

There is only one stop left, the bad side of town, as in the part of town where most people carry pocket knives or switch knives with them, and parents don't let their kids go out once the street lights go off, on the bus was the bus driver, Ashton, and Josh, Josh and Ashton are friends, only because they spend ten minutes on a bus that only the two of them ride.

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