chapter 144: butterfly

Start from the beginning

"Who was the one who helped me realise my true potential in makeup?" Jieun smiled as she reached out and stroked Jungkook's face gently. "I should be the one saying that - so thank you, Jeon Jungkook."


"Oh, oppa-" Jennie turned around as she heard the clicking sound of Yoongi's door opening. "Hi."

Yoongi stared at Jennie for a few seconds, unable to take his eyes off her. Something about her today was... different. She wore a nice red dress and her makeup was slightly more elaborate than usual.

"Oh-" Yoongi caught himself staring for a little too long, and he looked away at once. "Hi, Jennie-ya."

"How do you like my dress?" Jennie looked down at it then back up at Yoongi with a shy smile. "Is it nice...?"

Yoongi found it difficult to make eye contact with her, so he just nodded quietly. "Mm."

"What about my makeup?" Jennie let out a nervous chuckle. "Jieun-unnie gave me classes on this makeup look... what do you think?"

Yoongi looked up briefly and made eye contact with the floor once more as he mumbled under his breath. "Mm, you look pretty."

Jennie let out a shy giggle as she slung her arm around Yoongi's.

Yoongi looked down at their interlocked arms briefly, before looking up at her in surprise. "Jen-"

"Let's go, oppa-" Jennie tugged him towards the lift. "It's getting late."

Yoongi and Jennie arrived outside a spicy kimchi hotpot restaurant a while later after taking a taxi.

"It's nice," Jennie commented as they finally entered the restaurant and settled down in their seats. "It's really nice to see you like that, oppa."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing much..." Jennie said as she fiddled with the serviette on the table in front of her. "It's just nice, I mean, like - seeing how much you've changed. Last time, you refused to go out to eat because you were a hermit; you also had a trauma of riding cars, remember? I'm so glad you've overcome all that and grown so much as a person since the day I met you 300 days ago."

Yoongi's jaw dropped. "Today is the 300th day since we met?"

"Mm-" Jennie let out an awkward chuckle. "Why would you think I invited you out for a date today?"


"I know that's only what couples do," Jennie admitted as she gazed up at Yoongi uneasily. "But I just thought... I wanted to do it with you."

"Ah-" Yoongi bit his lower lip. "Jennie-ya, I-"

"Spicy kimchi jeongol is here~!" The ajumma interrupted, prematurely cutting their conversation short. "Be careful, it's hot! Please enjoy~"

"Thank you," Yoongi said with a smile.

"Thank you, ajumma!" Jennie exclaimed with a bright smile as she reached for the chopsticks.

But Yoongi already had her cutlery prepared for her and handed it over quietly.

Jennie smiled gratefully as she watched him for a few seconds, before taking the set of chopsticks and spoon from him. "Thank you, oppa."

"Why did you want to come here, of all places?" Yoongi asked nonchalantly as he reached for a set of cutlery for himself. "You don't usually eat spicy food."

"What do you mean? Spicy food is the best for relieving stress-" Jennie took a sip of the spicy soup and let out a loud 'ahh'. "This is perfect. Oppa, try it."

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